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Kerbal Center for Space Studies (KCSS)


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Okay, finally purchased Breaking Ground, and Decided to do a honest to goodness campaign mode narrative.  (editor note: Feel the grind!)  may pick up the making history mod after the next paycheck, But that mod mostly interests me in the Soviet parts, but I have a mod already for that.

The French space program, which for many years is the third largest space program, doesn't get enough love, thus I named my program after the French Program. 

Mods are
Tentares for some Soviet/Russian parts
Mechjeb (modified to allow all services at the start)
Kerbal alarm clock
Final Frontier

I am currently using 1.8

I am maxing out the Kerbalnaut center (I like to hire them) and will upgrade to the 7 contracts from the start, but otherwise will be upgrading the base vie earned cash.   This will be a grind.  But it will be a fun grind. 


The Sixth United Kerbal Republic (UKR) has established the Kerbal Center for Space Studies (KCSS).  This will involve industrial, commercial, military, and scientific goals to explore, exploit, and Colonize Space.  

The Kerbonaut Corps right now consists of Original 7 

Jeb - Pilot

Bill - Engineer

Bob - Scientist

Valentina - Pilot

Theolan - Engineer

Neilfred - Pilot

Neilfal - Scientist 


More will be added as they are needed and or I get a great name in the list. 






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Zulu is a series of five suborbital missions to learn basic science and develop basic technology required for spacetravel. In addition, the money earned allowed the spacepad to be upgraded.  (I will be brief since these are very basic missions that was all about earning basic science and completing some contracts.


Zulu-1 (Jeb commander) not much to stay other then massive G-force.   Just a flea, some fins, and a Kerbal praying to Kerbal gods.  Reached about 12,000 meters.


Not much of a rocket, however this small rocket was able to reach suborbital distances.   Zulu-2 reached 120km.  Neilfred is unexpectedly the first Kerbal in space.  He is sent off to sell Space bonds to other Kerbals.



Zulu-3 was going to be the first suborbital flight, so instead the same rocket design from Zulu-2 was used, and it was used as a Kerbal'ed sounding rocket carrying out various science experiments.




Testing out a new liquid fuel rocket, Nielfal feels lucky to be on the ground again. Getting over 250km in a ballistic trajectory, it was a close call on reentry as his craft almost burned up. Zulu-4 however earns tons of Science.



Zulu-5 - bill takes a improved rocket for a almost orbital burn and touches down safely while getting several equipment contracts to be complete.  The Zulu missions are complete, and Zulu-5 rocket is now known as a "Zulu" booster, even if it may not be used much anymore.  

Moneys earned is used to upgrade the launch pad, and the next goal is Kerbaled orbital flight.  Though the power limits are a major shortfall that must be solved.  

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The next set of missions is Project Altair, which goal is to Orbit Kerbals and earn key science.



The brand new Altair Rocket is ready to lift off on the new launchpad, Altair-1 is unique since it still has limited power (batteries not researched yet). Flight 1 goals is to reach orbit, then return with its science package, which will allow some key tech to be unlocked (and a large cash transfusion.)


We have liftoff!



This was a manually controlled flight, and thus, the launcher faced abuse from air pressure as Jeb tried to slow it down a bit. It held together.



Beep beep beep, we are in orbit, of course, we almost have no power, so we will return without even do one complete orbit.


Really not a bad job for my first manual launch to orbit in over a year. (Didn't take a photo of the landing, i Know, bad me)  The extra coupler is due to a contract, need to hit water and fire it off, of course, Altair-1 and 2 landed on land.....)



Altair-2, commanded by Val, who goal is to carry out a spacewalk and some science experiments (as Altair-2 now has some batteries due to the science gains of Altair-1, so will be able to transmit data without running out of power.)




Liftoff again! Though this time MechJeb was able to handle the flight.


as it shut down the engine for a long ride under nothing but the SRBs


The key  moment happens and the SRBs clear the rocket and we are on to orbit and not a nasty, dangerous abort.  



Getting to orbit is always nice, no matter how many times you do it.


Then the long burn to get the orbit nice.


Flushed with power, Altair-2 carries out various science duties while on the dark side.


Then Val carries out the first Spacewalk while on the bright side (I forgot to take images as I was too busy EVAing.



Landing was uneventful, except that Val put her craft on land (at least it flatlands). 

Altair-3 will do more science, and hopefully, land on the water so I can remove a pesky contract.  


Though it is happy, so far I have not lost any Kerbals and the science progress is continuing.  

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Today the KCSS had a press conference on future goals.

Tourism and Rescue:

Using the proven Altair rocket, the KCSS is building a rescue craft to rescue the increasing numbers of Kerbals who find themselves in LKO. Due to design limits, the craft will be quite spartan.  

On the more fancy side, the KCSS is also building a "Whitestar" tourism craft, which can be used to provide paying tourist Suborbital and orbital flight.   And advertisements of "Fly with Jeb" have been seen.  The whitestar also uses the proven Altair rocket and can take two toursts to orbit at a cost of 14,250 per flight.  

Project Orion:

Project Orion is just on the drawing stages, and is the next step in Kerbal flight, and will provide the ability to land on Mun and Minimus.   It will be able to hold three Kerbals, two of which will land on the moon.  this is a long term project.

Project Vega:

While the Orion is a big budget program, of big rockets and big travels, a simpler system for LKO will be  developed called Project Vega.   The Vega will be used a cheaper option for flight to orbital stations and be used as lifeboats, the Vega will use as a core the lifeboat being developed to rescue kerbals in Orbit. 


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Non-photo update:

The KCSS carried out two classified missions to rescue two kerbals found in LKO.   The administration is unsure how they got into space and both rescues happened while in the shadow of the planet (Editors note:  this is why there is no images, it was dark), The next goal is to upgrade the VAB as I am hitting the part limit on some of my craft.   

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Space Tourism

While the KCSS is for science, there is a thing called paying the bills.   Space Tourism hopefully will bring in enough dollars to keep Jeb with new shoes and shiny rockets.


Using the proven  Altair rocket design, the "Whitestar" tourism craft has been developed to give low-G tourism to LKO.



Takeoff is nominal, as you see the KSC is now being developed.


There was both a suborbital and orbital passenger, but the suborbital passenger got the orbital ride for free.  



The Craft burns hard to obtain the 100 km orbit. 


Nice careful staging and giving the passengers a good view of the planet below. 



Jeb refrained to explain that landing this craft is "delicate", as it really wants to go nose first, and not tail first were the heat shield is.  Had to be very active to keep the craft in place (manual landing, not mechjebed.



Unlike the Altair program, the whitestar has a few major landing devices to make sure the landing is gentle as they glide to the grasslands.


Passengers enjoy the view as they gently land.


Flag planted, and a very profitable mission.   This one whitestar launch paid for three science missions.   

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Terrific start to your new narrative, this could really "take off" (see what I did there? ;)).

And I really like your rocket designs, but I can't quite figure out what engine(s) you use on the main stage of the Altair rocket, any chance you could let me know?

I'm really looking forward to the next instalment of this series, keep up the good work!  

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The main stage uses a engine from the Tentares part pack.  (Which really adds some nice Russian gear, that not overpowered.   I have plans to make a "K-7" booster at some point.

Project Orion will be a Apollo style stuff for Mun/Minmus missions, and some orbital stuff.

Vega will be Soyuz inspired and intended for LKO orbital work and manning space stations.  

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Altair-3 and Altair-4



Altair-3 was a simple science mission.



10 orbits (a new record) the goal of getting science was met, unlocking new technologies.


The hope was the land on the desert or in the water after it.



And Nelfall landed it in the water for a huge science haul. (about 100 points of science which is nice for early game small rocket missions)


While the Altair missions might seem routine, altair-4 was able to get the press attention back on the space program.



It used the new Desert launch site..


In addition, it has a slightly reworked Altair module, that has been cleaned up and parts reduced.



And while the normal launch measures went on....


The media noticed that Altair-4 was not going into the normal Altair orbit  (normally altairs launch to 0 degrees on a orbit that aims for being 100km above the planet.)


Altair-4 was going to a polar orbit!



Taking data from the north pole


And the south



And taking photos of notable sites



Final mission goal is to land on the northern ice cap.



Notable for Mun and Minimus being in the same frame. and all lined up.



Flags were planted and data on the north was collected..



And the new data unlocked new technologies, and the first orbital station, Pioneer station, starts to be on the drafting board.  Even if there is no way to lift it at this time. 


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In a press conference today, there was some major news on the KCSS space program.

Project Altair is being wrapped up, there will be two more missions in the Altair program proper, (giving all the kerbals who started orbital experience) however the Altair rocket will most likely be used for some time.   The KCSS will be also presenting some new launchers as scientific development has progressed and new tanks and engines are available.  

The Vega launcher will be used in the Vega program, which will allow more then one Kerbal to orbit.  The plan is to make the Vega capsules as they are upgraded for some time.  they consist of three parts, the orbital module, a sphere that can be customized for various missions, the decent module used for landing, and general services module for power and propulsion.  (Editor note: Hint, its a Soyuz-based design).   

 The Conquistador probes will be launched to take a wide range of science experiments.   

Conquistador-1 will be the flight test of the Vega rocket to confirm its kerbal rating, and do high orbit experiments.
Conquistador-2 will do a flight around the mun.
Conquistador-3 will do a flight around Minimus
Conquistador-4 will be modified and attempt to orbit the mun, and then return with the sat bus.  (Contracts being contracts)

Kerbhab-1 is a space station that will be launched using the first stage of the large Rigel booster, who testing indicates can launch 10 tons to LKO from its first stage only.

There will be two more rescue missions to rescue stranded kerbals.  Whitestar tourism shots will continue to be launched, but many will be giving polar orbits due to the ease of manually landing on water in that orbit.  Jeb remains the primary pilot on Whitestar tourism flights. 

Upcoming Flight manifest 

Mission Launcher Notes
Whitestar-4 Altair-A-3 2 tourist to orbit
Whitestar-5 Altair-A-3 2 tourist to orbit
Altair-5 Altair-A-3 High orbit mission
Altair-6 Altair-A-3 endurance mission
Kerbhab-1 Rigel Block 0 Space Station
Conquistador-1 Vega-A-2 Flight testing of the Vega-A
Vega-001 Vega-A-0 or Vega-A-2 Flight testing of the Vega spacecraft
Rescue-Tub III and IV Altair-A-3 or Vega-A-2 launched as needed


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Whitestar 3 launches.

I will use this as a aside to explain the launcher name code.

This is a Altair-A-3, the main rocket is the Altair, which consists of the Altair main stage and the Zulu as the secondary stage (you can see that the 2nd stage is from the Zulu-4 mission)  , the A means that it is boosterless or that it is using the Thumper booster, and the 3 indicates that there are three SRBs.   The codes are

A - No booster (if A-0) or Thumper

B- Shrimp

C- Kickback

D - Hammer

E - Mite

F - Flea

G - Pollux 

H- Thoroughbred

I -  Clydesdale

L- Liquid fueled


KSC is being developed, though I am really bad at planes so there been little investment on that side.


Showing off the southern poles and icecaps.


Then a bit of a unexpected landing, as someone at the factory forgot to put in the parts to seperate the whitestar capsule with the Zulu upper stage, luckily, there is much in the way of canvas and it was slowed down.   


Whitestar 4 took off at dusk (Altair-A-3 as usual)


Rising from the darkness into the light.


Then after a orbit or two, retrofire and releasing the whitestar for reentry.


It was a bumpy ride as there was some uneven heating going on.  However Jeb kept his head cool, and the landing did not have a issue.


The large Rigel Block 0 is rolled onto the pad (Block 0 means that there is no second stage in KCSS terminology)


Launch is a go, and it rises up,


And gimbils itself to its correct rise, a most painless launch.


Releasing Kerbhab-1, the first attmpt to make a space Station, It is not much, very low tech but can house a number of Kerbals and has fuel reserves.

It is placed in a 120km orbit with a 5 degree inclination to avoid the heavy traffic of the 80-105 area, and the inclination is to avoid future comsats who might want the 120km band for a parking orbit before transfering to higher orbit.


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