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Unpaid Research program reducing reputation

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i'm observing the reputation-meter at the top of the screen.

when i'm finishing a contract, i loose reputation.

i think it might be because the reputation that should get converted gets actually subtracted from my reputation, utilizing the algorithm that makes it harder and harder to gain reputation but easy to loose it all.

to reproduce:

- gain some reputation (without having unpaid research program enabled)

- enable unpaid research program (with some high value)

- remember how many reputation you had on your reputation meter on the top of the screen

- finish a contract

- see if you lost reputation


i have no idea how to describe it more clearly


here, i made a video:

https://www.dropbox.com/s/pkeo7ulupylhuty/2019-10-27 02-12-05.mp4?raw=1

(download and play with VLC)

before the contracts: 1.5 lines before blue.

after the contracts: 5.5 lines before blue.

Edited by pwn
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