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not obvious code in an old mods

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this code originally was in the KCT, I updated it, and now it is almost work with VesselSpawnDialog (LaunchPad/Runway GUI)


"Almost" because of one thing - the launchsites radiobuttons.
It works when I launch using little launch button (per launchsite), the code is the same, the launchsitename is gotten from the GUI, 
it works when I launch with GreenLaunchButton to the default LaunchPad/Runway,
but if I change a launchsite using a radiobutton, and then use the GreenLaunchButton, I can't get sitename,
because KCT use launchSite = EditorLogic.fetch.launchSiteName which will not work for the KSC scene (VesselSpawnDialog).

  • A small question is how to solve that problem?
    (get selected radiobutton's launchsitename or at least completely disable radiobuttons and leave only GreenLaunchButton and smallLaunchButtons ),
  • and a large question is how this code was born in the first place?
    I found in the KSP API UILaunchsiteController but it hasn't any mentions of launchPadItems and other objects used there.
    Most likely I can at least disable radiobuttons in the same way as littlelaunchbutton was got there:
    site.GetType().GetPublicValue<UnityEngine.UI.Button>("buttonLaunch", site);
    but where I need to find the PublicValue for that, if not in the KSP API?


if (settingsGame.AllowOtherLaunchSites)
    UILaunchsiteController controller = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType<UILaunchsiteController>();
    if (controller == null) return;

    object items = controller.GetType()?.GetPrivateMemberValue("launchPadItems", controller, 4);
    if (items == null) return;

    IEnumerable list = items as IEnumerable;

    foreach (object site in list)
        UnityEngine.UI.Button button = site.GetType().GetPublicValue<UnityEngine.UI.Button>("buttonLaunch", site);
        if (button != null)
            string siteName = site.GetType().GetPublicValue<string>("siteName", site);
            button.onClick.AddListener(() => { LaunchClickListenerBoth(vesselSpawnInfo, siteName); });



Edited by flart
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