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Some Ideas and Wishes for KSP 2


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I thought about some good ideas for KSP 2:

  • Bringing your noice rockets from ksp 1 to ksp 2 (Probably not possible, but it's worth a try)
  • Very nice graphics
  • More planets and moons to explore
  • Hopefully BD-Armory will add addiction to the game
  • No annoying kraken 

That's all my ideas


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I wish science could be useful in the ways of how science is actually useful. We visit planets and moons with everything essentially already discovered, we know where an atmosphere begins and its thickness vs altitude, we know what temperature it is and the composition of its atmosphere before ever launching a rocket. This is why I originally suggested creating a game catalog where in data is captured and maps out all the systems. This way we would need to find where bodies exist and the paths they move along, send probes to investigate how one could land on them once theyre reached, and finally, find out why we wanna go there in the first place.


The missions should still focus on profit, were running a space program, but what does space have to offer? Perhaps you might want to set up an industrial mining colony and send back your product to kerbin to be sold to the market. What bodies have materials worth mining and where are they? To find out we should send a probe to spectroscopically observe the the planets soil for trace rare minerals, followed by landing at areas of high concentration and taking core samples, after this one could set up a prospecting colony to begin small scale excavation to see if this venture would be lucrative. If all looks well ship 100 kerbals there, expand the operation and take in the profit (advancing technologies and interstellar transport isn't cheap you know). Perhaps thats also how we could create upgrades... if you want tech advanced it costs money, a lot of money, I've never heard of cheap R&D at least. So I agree running current equipment should count towards tech progress but also having funded labs on the ground.


Maybe unlocking tech shouldn't be instant but instead each tech advancement has a progress bar dependent on both related part use and funded research. I think if youre using a chem rocket that should highly count towards progress of other chem rockets but definitely shouldn't count for say... ion thrusters. New tech branches should have to be discovered solely through R&D and breakthroughs to new fields should be very expensive, acting as gate keepers to ability to expand out further.


This feeds a recursive intuitive cycle:


Explore - Find prospective planets


Discover - Send probes to discover features of the planets


Colonize - Send probes/kerbals to create an outpost


Exploit - Mine, refine, and transport profitable materials back to kerbin 


Research - Utilize profit to fund higher efficiency transport, machining equipment, QoL systems, etc...




Essentially a 4X type system where we omit "eXterminate" and replace it with research and form a closed loop until the whole universe is colonized and theres nowhere left to go.... (mods can fix that part)

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