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This is a full stock 1:1 replica of the Scaled Composites Stratolaunch. Possessing the largest wingspan of any aircraft every flown, and having been designed as an air-launch platform for rockets, this beastly aircraft requires no other introduction. This build has the highest part count of any of my replicas to date, due largely to the *unique* shape of the fuselage. This craft was completed long before the MD-11, but seemingly inescapable technical difficulties plagued the craft from then on. It was only until many months later that I was able to finally diagnose the source of the problem and finally post this cursed monstrosity. Even with 6 extra beefed up versions of my PW-4056 engines the vehicle struggles to lift its own bulk, leaving it with only around 150 tonnes of payload capacity, and very limited ability to lift such payloads to high altitudes. This could have been solved by increasing the power of the engines, but seeing as the craft had already reached a ludicrous part count, I deemed this to be unnecessary.




Partcount: 3150 parts
Mass: 650.58 Tonnes

So What Was Wrong?

It seems that using the "Remove From Symmetry" feature would completely break this craft's part file, rendering it unusable. I can't say how or why, but what I can tell you is that the way the craft was constructed necessitated that I used the feature every single time, guaranteeing that the craft always broke. Whilst frustrating, these kinds of bugs are honestly just something we've all come to expect from KSP. 

Edited by Kronus_Aerospace
Thanks for TOTM!
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  On 10/28/2019 at 6:52 AM, IkranMakto said:


P. S. "Look, but don't touch" craft :p You didn't even write specifications



I honestly didn't even think about it, I just wanted it up. This craft was started 7 months ago, so you can understand why I was eager to just post it as quickly as possible.

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  On 10/28/2019 at 10:15 PM, Ol’ Musky Boi said:

How you had the patience to build this is beyond me.



It was far from my longest project, taking around 2 months of continuous work to complete, most of it was quite tedious as the design of the Stratolaunch necessitated really part intensive solutions to replicate simple details. My MD-11 required around 3 months of work by comparison and was far more difficult overall despite having half the part count.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey Kronus,  I know it's been a while since you posted... sorry about that, as you can probably tell I don't check this too often. I don't know what to say man, this is still so incredible to me. The sheer patience and persistence you showed to get this thing to work is just unbelievable. I'm really glad you didn't delete the sections- well, technically you did, but you saved them, just not on your hard drive xD You've been an inspiration to so many of us, and it's an honor that I can call you a friend. Thank you for all you do for this community. 

Edited by moonsparkejo
Accidentally hit enter e.e
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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 12/5/2019 at 12:57 AM, moonsparkejo said:

Hey Kronus,  I know it's been a while since you posted... sorry about that, as you can probably tell I don't check this too often. I don't know what to say man, this is still so incredible to me. The sheer patience and persistence you showed to get this thing to work is just unbelievable. I'm really glad you didn't delete the sections- well, technically you did, but you saved them, just not on your hard drive xD You've been an inspiration to so many of us, and it's an honor that I can call you a friend. Thank you for all you do for this community. 


No Problem man, I don't check it often either

I really am not sure what I do for the KSP community, but I've been trying to curb my tendency to reject compliments so I'll just say thank you. I'm super happy that you're my friend as well my dude.


  On 12/19/2019 at 9:10 PM, rocketmanplus said:

nice work i will try to do sth by myself now as well. you should be proud of yourself. 


(థ ェ థ) Thank you

I was not expecting so many positive comments when I logged in today, y'all are awesome.

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