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Kerbonaut Group 4

Growing the kerbonaut corps.

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Valiant Test Flight 3

Third test of the Valiant spaceplane.

Date: Y7 D14  Launch site: Dessert  Launch vehicle: Goblin  Crew: - - -

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Explorer Ground Test 1

Test a new lander prototype.

Date: Y7 D27  Launch site: Dessert  Launch vehicle: - - -  Crew: P1 Valentina, E1 Bill

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Tranquility Module 3

Add an inflatable habitat to the station.

Date: Y7 D41  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix 300  Crew: - - -

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Intrepid 20

Expedition Harmony 6.

Date: Y7 D73  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix 000  Crew: P1 Eilbin, E0 Dudble, S0 Helus

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Intrepid 21

Expedition Tranquility 4.

Date: Y7 D99  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix 043  Crew: P0 Hadlong, E1 Seewin, S0 Hudsey

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Intrepid 22

Send a fresh spacecraft to replace Intrepid 19.

Date: Y7 D127  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix 043  Crew: - - -

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-- -- -- END OF MISSION LOG 017 -- -- --

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Keystone 6

Deliver material needed to inflate the new Tranquility habitation module.

Date: Y7 D131  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix 343  Crew: - - -

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Explorer Ground Test 2

Test updated prototype.

Date: Y7 D148  Launch site: Dessert  Launch vehicle: - - -  Crew: P1 Valentina, E1 Bill

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Tranquility Module 4-1/4-2

Add two more modules to Tranquility.

Date: Y7 D150/153  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix 343  Crew: - - -

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Keystone 7

Resupply Tranquility station.

Date: Y7 D170  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix 343  Crew: - - -

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-- -- -- END OF MISSION LOG 018 -- -- --

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Echo 3/4

Place two relay satellites in Minmus polar orbit.

Date: Y7 D196/209  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix 300  Crew: - - -

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Surveyor 3

Send a mapping satellite to Minmus.

Date: Y7 D224  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix 300  Crew: - - -

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Intrepid 23

Expedition Harmony 7.

Date: Y7 D274  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix 000  Crew: P0 Neming, E0 Haycas, S1 Julbal

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Keystone 8

Resupply Harmony station.

Date: Y7 D286  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix 322  Crew: - - -

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Intrepid M Pad Abort Test

Test abort system on new Intrepid variant.

Date: Y7 D318  Launch site: Dessert  Launch vehicle: - - -  Crew: - - -

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-- -- -- END OF MISSION LOG 019 -- -- --

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Keystone 9F

Refuel Phoenix booster stuck in orbit.

Date: Y7 D326  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix 322  Crew: - - -

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Dauntless 2

Orbit Minmus.

Date: Y7 D363  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix 024  Crew: P1 Valentina, E1 Bill

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-- -- -- END OF MISSION LOG 020 -- -- --

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Intrepid 24

Expedition Harmony 8.

Date: Y8 D51  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix 000  Crew: P1 Sarah, E1 Siglas, S0 Joekin

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Dauntless 3

Final qualification flight.

Date: Y8 D55  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix 024  Crew: - - -

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Dauntless 4

Expedition Tranquility 5.

Date: Y8 D105  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix 043  Crew: P1 Jeaneane, E1 Burbo, S0 Aldkin, S0 Luemone

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Keystone 10

Resupply Tranquility station.

Date: Y8 D109  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix 343  Crew: - - -

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-- -- -- END OF MISSION LOG 021 -- -- --

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Dauntless 5

Fly three tourists to LKO.

Date: Y8 D121  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix 043  Crew: P1 Eilbin, Tiberry, Froeny, Frosy

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Keystone 9F

Refuel Phoenix booster in orbit.

Date: Y8 D148  Launch site: LKO  Launch vehicle: - - -  Crew: - - -

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Intrepid M-1

Fly two tourists to Harmony station. Assist with station upgrade.

Date: Y8 D169  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix 000  Crew: P1 Neming, Lebree, Trinard

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Harmony Module 7

Add an inflatable habitat to the station.

Date: Y8 D172  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix 300  Crew: - - -

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-- -- -- END OF MISSION LOG 022 -- -- --

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Harmony Module 8

Add new supply container and viewing cupola.

Date: Y8 D203 D228  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix 300  Crew: - - -

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Keystone 11

Deliver material needed to inflate Harmony module 7. Rearrange and deorbit other modules.

Date: Y8 D254  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix 322  Crew: - - -

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-- -- -- END OF MISSION LOG 023 -- -- --

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Serenity Station Module 1

Launch the core module of a Minmus station.

Date: Y8 D294  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix 441  Crew: - - -

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Intrepid M-2

Assemble truss segment on Serenity.

Date: Y8 D297  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix 000  Crew: P1 Glesy, E1 Bill

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Serenity Transfer Stage

Attach a transfer stage to Serenity station and send it to Minmus.

Date: Y8 D309  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix 300  Crew: - - -

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-- -- -- END OF MISSION LOG 024 -- -- --

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Dauntless 6

Expedition Harmony 9.

Date: Y8 D353  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix 043  Crew: P2 Valentina, E1 Siesen, S0 Eiller, S1 Kirfal

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Serenity Transfer Stage 2

Send Serenity to Minmus using a new cryogenic transfer stage.

Date: Y8 D371  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix 321  Crew: - - -

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Serenity Module 2

Add a second module to Serenity with a lab, storage space and fuel tanks.

Date: Y8 D385  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix 344  Crew: - - -

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Dauntless 7

Expedition Tranquility 6.

Date: Y8 D419  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix 043  Crew: S1 Arory, S1 Dunrie

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-- -- -- END OF MISSION LOG 025 -- -- --

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Explorer 1

Place new Mun lander in parking orbit around Kerbin.

Date: Y9 D3  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix 424  Crew: - - -

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Intrepid M-3

Send the rest of Expedition Tranquility 6 to the station via Explorer 1.

Date: Y9 D6  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix 000  Crew: P1 Eilbin, P1 Wehrfurt, E1 Madming

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Keystone 12

Launch Tranquility resupply craft on new semi-reusable launch vehicle.

Date: Y9 D11  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Icarus  Crew: - - -

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Keystone 13

Deliver supplies to Serenity station.

Date: Y9 D15  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Icarus  Crew: - - -

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-- -- -- END OF MISSION LOG 026 -- -- --

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Dauntless 8

Expedition Serenity 1. Test Dauntless Extended Mission Module and continue assembly of Serenity station.

Date: Y9 D27  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix 043  Crew: P1 Glesy, E1 Bill

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Valiant Test Flight 4

Final atmospheric test flight of the Valiant spaceplane.

Date: Y9 D34  Launch site: Dessert  Launch vehicle: Goblin  Crew: P1 Sarah

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Dauntless 9

Bring three tourists to munar orbit.

Date: Y9 D36  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix 043  Crew: P1 Jeaneane, Helemone, Thomhat, Lodtrey

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-- -- -- END OF MISSION LOG 027 -- -- --


  On 3/24/2020 at 7:01 PM, Kerballing (Got Dunked On) said:

Man, that is a cool two (three?) stage rocket!


Thanks! It was my attempt at a Titan III type of rocket combined with Vulcan SMART reuse.

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Dauntless 10

Expedition Serenity 1. Test Dauntless Extended Mission Module and continue assembly of Serenity station.

Date: Y9 D59  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix 043  Crew: P1 Glesy, E1 Bill

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Keystone 14

Bring fertilizer for food production and material for new habitation module to Serenity station.

Date: Y9 D91  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Icarus  Crew: - - -

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Serenity Module 3

Add an inflatable habitat to the station.

Date: Y9 D102  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix 300  Crew: - - -

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Serenity Station Ops

Land kerbals on Minmus for the first time.

Date: Y9 D127  Launch site: Serenity  Launch vehicle: Spider  Crew: P1 Glesy, E1 Bill

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-- -- -- END OF MISSION LOG 028 -- -- --

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Serenity Module 4-1/4-2

Add two habitation modules with integrated greenhouses.

Date: Y9 D128/140  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix 343  Crew: - - -

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Dauntless 11

Expedition Serenity 2.

Date: Y9 D191  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix 043  Crew: P1 Hadlong, E1 Newbin, S1 Malbart, S1 Munski

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Keystone 15

Deliver supplies, fertilizer and two greenhouses to Tranquility station.

Date: Y9 D224  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Icarus  Crew: - - -

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Keystone 16F

Send fuel to Tranquility station.

Date: Y9 D228  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Icarus  Crew: - - -

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-- -- -- END OF MISSION LOG 029 -- -- --

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  • 4 weeks later...

Keystone 17F

Deliver fuel, a docking node and two cupolas to Harmony.

Date: Y9 D280  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix 322  Crew: - - -

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Harmony Module 9

Add a fuel depot to Harmony station.

Date: Y9 D306  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Icarus  Crew: - - -

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Keystone 9F

Clear low Kerbin orbit of debris.

Date: Y9 D310  Launch site: LKO  Launch vehicle: - - -  Crew: - - -

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Serenity Station Ops

Second Minmus landing.

Date: Y9 D319  Launch site: Serenity  Launch vehicle: Spider  Crew: P1 Hadlong, S1 Munski

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Tranquility Station Ops

Third Mun landing.

Date: Y9 D320  Launch site: Tranquility  Launch vehicle: Explorer 1  Crew: P1 Wehrfurt, E1 Madming

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-- -- -- END OF MISSION LOG 030 -- -- --

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Dauntless 12

Deliver scientific instruments and take three tourists to Tranquility.

Date: Y9 D328  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix 043  Crew: P1 Eilbin, Geoffurt, Tamster, Tomwin

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Keystone 18

Deliver supplies and equipment to Tranquility station using the new Keystone Enhanced vehicle.

Date: Y9 D356  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Icarus  Crew: - - -

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Dauntless 13

Test Dauntless Mk2 spacecraft in Kerbin orbit and take three tourists to Harmony.

Date: Y9 D365  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix 043  Crew: P1 Sarah, Serena, Mabas, Patble

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Dauntless 14

Test Dauntless Mk2 with Extended Mission Module in Minmus orbit and bring two tourists along.

Date: Y9 D421  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix 044  Crew: P1 Sarah, E1 Seewin, Jalin, Tedton

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Keystone 19

Deliver supplies and equipment to Serenity station.

Date: Y9 D425  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Icarus  Crew: - - -

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-- -- -- END OF MISSION LOG 031 -- -- --

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  • 1 month later...

Vanguard 1

Launch the first interplanetary probe to Duna.

Date: Y10 D25  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix 300  Crew: - - -

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-- -- -- END OF MISSION LOG 032 -- -- --

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  • 3 months later...

Phoenix II

Introducing the next generation launch vehicle.

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Space Station Ops

Inspect hardware on each station.

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Vanguard 1

First probe in interplanetary space.

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Nova 1

Launch a new type of fuel carrier to Tranquility station.

Date: Y10 D62  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix IID  Crew: - - -

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Dauntless 15

Deliver a fresh spacecraft to Harmony station and return Dauntless 6 for inspection.

Date: Y10 D80  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix IIC  Crew: P2 Sarah, E2 Bill

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-- -- -- END OF MISSION LOG 033 -- -- --


A quick update on the game and this mission report. I have moved the save over to a fresh KSP 1.8.1 install and everything seems to be working fine. In the process, I decided to do some minor changes to the mod lineup. Some were added, some removed, and some replaced. For example, I switched from Stock Visual Enhancements to Astronomer's Visual Pack so starting with this mission log, screenshots may look slightly different. I plan to phase out another mod or two once they're no longer in use.

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Keystone 9F

Deorbit debris.

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Serenity Transfer Stage 2

Return spacetug to Kerbin orbit.

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Test prototype surface base, rover and supply vehicle.

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Keystone 20

Send tools and fertilizer to Harmony station.

Date: Y10 D131  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix IIB  Crew: - - -

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Nova 2

Bring cryogenic fuel to Harmony station.

Date: Y10 D139  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix IID  Crew: - - -

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Harmony Module 10

Add the final module to Harmony station.

Date: Y10 D156  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix IIA  Crew: - - -

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-- -- -- END OF MISSION LOG 034 -- -- --

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Touchstone 1

Test automated landing at the Mun.

Date: Y10 D173  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix IID  Crew: - - -

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Vanguard 1

Correction maneuver.

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Dauntless 16

Take three tourists to Tranquility station.

Date: Y10 D179  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix IIC  Crew: P2 Glesy, Frodous, Henwell, Peter

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Harmony Module 10

Second attempt to add the final module to Harmony station.

Date: Y10 D200  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix IIA  Crew: - - -

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-- -- -- END OF MISSION LOG 035 -- -- --


  On 10/7/2020 at 12:57 PM, KerballingSmasher said:

Wow. Nice save on that Phoenix!


Edit: WHEN DID I GET 1000 PLUS?!? UHHHH...


Thanks. It was a close call with the Phoenix. Also, that's a lot of plusses you got there. :)

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Tranquility Station Ops

Return kerbonauts from the Mun to the station.

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Test prototype surface base and support rover.

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Intrepid M-4

Take two tourists to Harmony station.

Date: Y10 D243  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix IIF  Crew: P1 Jeaneane, Pholock, Sidley

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Vanguard 2

Send a probe to Dres.

Date: Y10 D280  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix IIF  Crew: - - -

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Echo Mun-A/B/Min-A/B

Place new relay satellites in polar orbits around the Mun and Minmus.

Date: Y10 D309/318/336/369  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix IIF  Crew: - - -

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-- -- -- END OF MISSION LOG 036 -- -- --

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Vanguard 1

Flyby of Duna.

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Dauntless 17

Expedition Harmony 10.

Date: Y10 D395  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix IIC  Crew: P1 Eilbin, E2 Seewin, S1 Aldkin, S1 Beasen

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Keystone 21

Deliver supplies to Serenity station.

Date: Y10 D404  Launch site: KSC  Launch vehicle: Phoenix IID  Crew: - - -

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Tranquility Station Ops

Install experiments and boost the station's orbit.

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-- -- -- END OF MISSION LOG 037 -- -- --

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