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[0.16] Delta Engineering & Rocket Productions: Reentry Capsule & Self Destruct Module


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I doubt I'm the first person to ask this--but is there any chance we could get the self-destruct module on a longer delay? Or even remotely triggered?

I really want it not as a suicide device, but as a way to clear out stage debris. The reentry capsule is perfect as it is though.

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Well I tried out the re-edit of the part file that Guitoo1 wrote, but was unable to control it after decoupling it.

I only used one mini capsule during the test.

The engine, decoupler and fuel would not show after decoupling.

Only the parachute would show, but it did not deploy at all.

Perhaps I didn't set up the part file correctly?

Edit: second attempt with different parts from Lion Heads part pack was a little better.

All those parts surface mounted on the mini capsule.

All the parts showed up after decouple, but I still could not control them.

Edited by Tommygun
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Wow, glad to see there's so much interest in this little project. I've been bogged down with school work so it's taking me longer than I'd like to update it.

Since I've downloaded 0.17 I've tried a few different ideas. I haven't figured out how to control the capsule without some kind of plug-in yet, so I've been sticking with the fire and forget idea. Lately I've been using the Reentry Capsule as the decoupler, which is what I've come to prefer. Ive found that mounting 2 sepratrons on the sides works best. When they're set to fire at the same time as decoupling, it can easily deorbit the Capsule from a 250km orbit around Kerbin.

I'll still keep experimenting before another release to see what works best.

As for the self-destruct module, I'll play around with it, I never even thought of using it for clearing debris, but great idea.

I've started working on a 2 man capsule as well, though I'm not sure if I'd be able to create an internal model.

I'll try and post another update later in the week. Thanks again for the support guys

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I'll test other parameter can and I will find a hebergeur image I metterai the step to follow to control the capsule.

now I want to display the kerbal bottom right of the screen.

also to that I'm interest to use the main pod capsule.

just in case I use the pluging, mechjeb MMI and PKSmultijoint


the way if anyone knows a link to create room kerbal with unity.

send me the link I mp vai esseille to diferant model once the problem resolved

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I find the problem, so that the capsule itself recognized by the game as a mandatory step 3 pod

1 capsule is to contain a kerbal Advent decoupling for the pilot to

2, the reactor must be one trigger of below the floor uncoupler of capsule

3 that the parachute will not deploy after the decoupling of the capsule will be the advent decoupling the floor and one above the reactor



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