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Game: "Du du du... So, U want to play KSP?"

Me: "Yeah..."

Game: *Pulls out gun.* "Not today buddy."

So, Yeah. Can't play the game at all due to this bug. I'll post all the things you guys need but any ideas on how to fix this? Most of the text doesn't work and is replaced by it. Time warp doesn't work. Running through the launcher doesn't work. Steam not working and even checking the files using my own eyes and Steam's find no errors. Maybe 1-2 but it goes down to 0 every time I check it. If redownloading doesn't work I'm going nuclear. (Aka nuking it from space and redownloading every mod, Steam and everything KSP has ever touched.)

Summary: Autoloc messing up and replacing most of the text with errors. Rechecking it doesn't work. 

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