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cBBp Dragon Rider Pod/Capsule


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  cesarparent said:
Thanks ! I just discovered this website and it's indeed a very nice tool !

Do you get any crew in the dragon when using it in 0.17 ? I can't manage to have it working properly, the files aren't modified, but it keeps loading as an unmanned pod.

I too am like you cesarparent, without crew. Though in the previous update (0.16) the screen showed at least 4 of the 7 members..

What would be interesting is the pictures of the 7 passengers (or however many) in the lower right of the screen where the rest of the data usually shows..

Other than that.. it's a very good capsule.. I just wouldn't land it on either Jool or Eve, (Anywhere else is okay..)

But I would love to see what version 1.2 will be like.. (Complete with hopefully an interior)

Space Coyote

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  CardBoardBoxProcessor said:

That's kind of a -MASSIVE- design flaw. You should really consider rectifying that. Might I suggest utilizing the method by the guys who made the Noyuz? Simply add extra details to the capsule that are aesthetic and extra-bulky / three dimension enhancing elements such as antennae and dishes and crap that function as the above with disproportionate figures to size (ie: small antennae being the RCS tank, isn't game breaking, and a great way to hide the tanks if you state it simply 'wires running through this links the RCS tanks to the control panel and is essential') making your capsule function not just as the MAIN capsule of the ship?

I'd love to be able to use your capsule in my Kir space station project, it currently has about 300 parts and is the most in depth space station KSP has ever seen (not to mention the most realistic!) but using it as an evac pod I'd require loading it as the .craft which is a deal breaker as I am using a custom built Soyuz for that keeping with KKKP technology. But I'd like to welcome NSA astronauts to party with my kosmonaughts on Kir, and what better representation of you KSA hippies than your faggy uber white clean shiny Lizard Pod? :D

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cBBp wanted it to be a 1-part pod, and these parts are just placeholders until there are part modules for engines (in development by someone else) and RCS.

I whould make RCS but I don't know anything about vector maths (didn't have it in school until now)...

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haha this bash prompt guy really dislikes me :D

anyway. people have been wanting IVA and such. well... that is too unknown for me at this time. plus i personally see IVA as rather usless. If someone else wants to model it for me Pm me i have a 'starter' kit so to say. but i won;t be getting to it for some time.

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Hey CardBoard, I was burning with my nerva to jool, (with 2 rcs tanks, a decoupular, and the dragon on top) and when my ap was about halfway to jool, the game froze. Completly. it said (not responding) and i had to close it after 10 min. Is this a problem with the mod, my pc, or the Novapunch Nerva?

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