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General and Graphics settings?

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This might belong somewhere else but...is there a post or information on what, exactly, the various "general" and "graphics" settings actually do? I understand some of them but some leave me bewildered. Things like "max physics delta time", "terrain scatters", "reflection refresh mode", "conic patch draw mode", "V sync", "Pixel light count" and "Shadow cascades". I have no real idea what these settings actually do and what changing them will look like in game. I'm not asking you to post an entire explanation here, of course...just wondering if there is info on these somewhere that you can link me to.

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Highlight FX is, IIRC, that slightly visible outer glow when you point your cursor at a part. With that setting off the part just gets a bit of green on it.

The rest, dunno, maybe ground/water particle effects? Like water splash, and smoke on the ground?

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