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ksp doesnt load with mods installed( partloader Error/ neverending loading bar)

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ive looked into this since last update in 1.8 and cant seem to fix it. with any litterly any mod it just goes ballistic. ive tried looking into it and ive tried to delete some things i thought meight be causing it from trying to read it in there but at this point i dont know what to do anymore. ill include a ksp launch log but it still persists with 1.9 aswell. this is with everything in it installed still. https://fil.email/NZa3XlVy . ive seen some people do mods again aswell but i just dont get why it doesnt wanna boot anymore

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Hello, and welcome to the forums! :)

8 minutes ago, keesoudwater34 said:

with any litterly any mod it just goes ballistic.

This is just a shot in the dark, but by any chance do the mods you're running include MiniAVC.dll?

If so, try deleting that and see if that fixes the problem.  There's a known issue with that DLL.

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21 minutes ago, Snark said:

Hello, and welcome to the forums! :)

This is just a shot in the dark, but by any chance do the mods you're running include MiniAVC.dll?

If so, try deleting that and see if that fixes the problem.  There's a known issue with that DLL.

ive ran the mod that was on there basically destroying those miniAVC.ddl's but it still didnt work cause it will still keep spitting out the error saying 

exception reclectiontypeloadexeption: excepion of type system.reflection.reflectiontypeloadexeption was thrown

and another one that is an nullrefrenceexeption. object refrence not set to an intance of an object

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