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Demo vs. Paid version


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I think, that KSP demo provide a lot more fun (especially if you liked rockets and legos in some part of your life ;p) than many mainstream, full budget games that mostly make me bored after few weeks/days.

And I tell you, if you liked demo, upcoming 0.17 version simply blow your mind xD.

I agree completely. It's been ages since a full budget game from one of the big game developing studios interestet me for more than a week or two. With KSP,there is always something new to do,similar to Minecraft wich i played since the early Infdev days. That is my opinion at least.

BTW,what boy doesn't like Lego or Rockets? I know i did and i still do.

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I had lego rockets :D

Aside from my star wars collection, I had a few space ships, but also a lego shuttle complete with a launch tower/crane.

The demo is great for seeing if you like the game, but the full game certainly gives you more to do. And if you like the mods, then there is just that much more for you. That said, I do hope that the demo does receive some upgrades, probably when the game goes to beta. Not bringing it up to one of the higher alpha versions, but being released with the features it has now, but in the future beta platform (so better optimization, a more current stock parts set, that sort of thing, but still with just the VAB and Mun). Right now it is a good proxy for determining if this game is for you (and if your really enjoying this game, then by all means buy it and enjoy it more), but it will not be a good proxy forever, as the foundation of the game improves.

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Lego shuttle, Lego Star-Wars... Huh ? I had some of legos in childhood, but they aren't been complete sets (but better than wooden ones) and if even they are I assembled them once, few even never assembled from manual, only use them as "parts" on my own ideas :P.

Most beauty in this toy is it could be everything you want - even if you had too few parts :huh:.

This times games for many people without steam achievements, full of action plot and fast reward seems boring and pointless, but this "pointless" games are like pile of bricks, without defined purpose - anybody tell you how to play, but also you aren't bounded with any rules... you, your imagination and creativity are the only limitation, so any idea could develop into greatest adventure :cool:.

(Buy KSP today ?)

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