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Everything posted by royalkingofgames

  1. Galaxy quest reference anyway Shrinking planets reanimating Jebadiah Gagging the health and safety guy.
  2. Mun with dots above the u makes the u pronounced oo.
  3. The Vulcan science ministry has concluded they are genetically modified humans from the 1990s that have evolved while drifting for millenniums.
  4. Shoot yourself in the head,trust me its the easiest way to kill the planet,prove me wrong.
  5. Kerbin used to have animals:kerbal big game hunting. Kerbin used to have lots of kerbals:hunters ran out of animals. Kerbin used to have cites:Jeb made a space program. Kerbin used to have plants: radiation poisoning.(the current ones are holographic) Kerbin used to have a large interstellar space fleet:M key next to spacebar.
  6. under sea and space are similar.
  7. Galactica uses convention technology:missiles,nukes,ballistic sidearms and telephones. the only things we dont have is ftl or Sentient machines or low grade railguns. The ships use high quality ion engines. Vipers Newtonian physics are demonstrated in 'Pegasus' and 'Resurrection Ship'
  8. can you make it so you can add an mp3 file to mission controller,this means we could read out the nissions and it would play the recording when we accept the mission
  9. there necron buildings http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat700019a&prodId=prod1380044a&rootCatGameStyle=
  10. very pessimistic, i hope for one it will be like the star trek equivelent of 2090 (30 years after first contact)
  11. First if this is squads decision then i fully understand and do question there authority. some of the moderators have stopped being moderators. captain skunky and tosh to name a few, may i politely ask what happened to them
  12. harvester said if there was ever to be a stock mechjeb then it would be you giving kerbals orders,but kerbals are kerbals so they will probably do it wrong(this would link in with skill
  13. its a bug because parachutes disappear when there speed is zero and timewarp freezes time when you drop out of it,this means the prachute is at zero metres a second and de-activates
  14. i renamed the kerbals after me and my friends. my first 0.16 moon landing and my friend's kerbal went on eva i had never went on eva a before and i flew around ,then back to the rocket,my rocket had a planes tail on the top for fun,and i crashed into the top of the rocket,killing my friend and knocking the rocket over,the other two kerbals set up the first sideways moonbase
  15. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/22321-mk-2-cockpit-andother-cockpit-related-suggestions
  16. apparently when i made a thread about this c7 only made mk2-3 placeholders so 0.17 could be released quiker
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