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Everything posted by royalkingofgames

  1. edit an engine so it applies just the right amount of thrust to balance the control tower
  2. My challenge is to build the doctor who carrier the valiant, damned aerospace is recommended also http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=6430.0 Edit :antigrav allowed heres a link to google images http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=doctor+who+flying+aircraft+carrier&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=dTP_T91Aw6nRBdGT7I8J&biw=1280&bih=582&sei=eDP_T-vtM6On0QWhlLWGBw
  3. cool . tim barret will come with that same boat
  4. you use antigrav. Also battles between tanks at medium range get my thumbs up
  5. You win the tank competiton ps make some armour parts by like you said
  6. winner of artillery see if you can build atank
  7. what kind of fool would volunteer for that A Kerbal ;P
  8. Basicaly you need to launch a ship with lots of detachable paths when in orbit keep launching parts(multiple launches aloud) until about 10 parts.then launch another ship to clear all the debris. weapons allowed but not reccomended as... you should try to return em home as this will amplify youre score by the power of how many you caught. eg removed from orbit(or blown to peaces) 10 number of those landed safely 2. so 10 to the power of 2 score one hundred. why would you want to return garbage may you ask , well bob and bill think jeb has been eating all the crisps so they want to look in his garbage for the wrappers.
  9. Someone Should build an aircraft carrier which can launch multiple fighter
  10. Can anyone build two battleships and make em have a battle
  11. is that seaplane even from ksp post a colour photo
  12. i have a problem i cant drag any proppelers out of the box that shows all the parts at the side:\'( can anyone help
  13. brilliant can you tell me how to make those designs or put them on spaceship exchange
  14. better then i expected absolutely amazing can you post a vid please mabye use a UAV then shoot it down or better yet land em next to each other and make them have a battle
  15. Just like my army challenge but this time build a boat with a Bridge ,Steam Engines 3 Anti Ship Turrets that can rotate 360 and move up and down and one missile battery and AA guns(recommended sunbeam laser for AA) Proof a photo of youre boat in the water firing its guns (mods allowed)
  16. 14.05.12also use a sunbeam laser and dont mount it on top of a jeep try to make a tank with 8 wheels and an armoured body like a real tank not just a mounted gun.
  17. with a turret that goes up and down and rotates360 also do this for a mobile missile launcher see if you can hit some targets. 14.05.12also use a sunbeam laser and dont mount it on top of a jeep try to make a tank with 8 wheels and an armoured body like a real tank not just a mounted gun
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