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Cant fly straight to save my life

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Howdy All,

I just recently bought KSP and pretty frustrated right off the bat. I've done most of the tutorials and really enjoyed those, but when I tried to start career mode on normal or easy, I cant do anything. I literally built the exact same "flea" rocket from the basic rocket tutorial, and mine cant go up past 500m before it flips over and the parachute deploys. I've added fins, turned on SAS, tried to turn in all kinds of direction to prevent the flipping, but nothing works. Really bummed i spent money on a game I cant even play. Any help is appreciated. 


Here is a link for a video of what happens 





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You should put the cursor over the staging stack (lower right in assembly, lower left on the launchpad) select the '+' that appears to make a new position, and then drag the booster symbol below the parachute symbol.  Then the staging stack will look more like the lower right of the image (but just stages not three).CU4ph4W.jpg 
Hitting the staging key ('space' by default on PC) fires only the booster.  You the staging key again later when you really want to open the parachute.

This is a famous trap for new players.  There are more.
KSP was created in a way that requires new players to figuring out many things on their own --- more figuring things out than most of us players would have preferred.  

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Hi @TylerRose22. I just wanted to say: welcome to the Forums.

@OHara already said everything about you problem that needs to be said: you activated the parachute at the same time as the engine, so it deployed and pullt your rocket over. And staging errors like that are something that happen to even the most experienced KSP players. :cool:

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1 hour ago, AHHans said:

Hi @TylerRose22. I just wanted to say: welcome to the Forums.

@OHara already said everything about you problem that needs to be said: you activated the parachute at the same time as the engine, so it deployed and pullt your rocket over. And staging errors like that are something that happen to even the most experienced KSP players. :cool:

Happens to me every time I start new career. 

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1 hour ago, Gogi said:

Happens to me every time I start new career.

Only when you start a new career?

Every new craft of mine gets test-flown at least once to see if I got this kind of stuff right....

At least @TylerRose22 got off the launchpad. It also took NASA at least one extra try to get that right: Mercury-Redstone 1. :D

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