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[Phoenix Corporation] - Store opened - Download links fixed


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Welcome, welcome ladies and gentlekerbs !

Come here, come see our awesome spacecrafts ! They fly like graceful phoenixes and from time to time, they even burn like it !

Latest news

[09/22/12] 0.17 is released and all Phoenix Corp members are granted holidays for the occasion.


[09/17/12] The Platypus has been released under the Experiments entry of the store.


[09/16/12] The Platypus, an unconventional VTOL prototype will be released soon. Since it is more a "proof of concept" than anything else,it will belong to the experimental section.


[09/14/12] Jeb has just crashed a tanker prototype on Minmus. "The mission is a success. The explosion was even bigger than expected. Minmus has a brand new crater !" said his mission report.


[09/14/12] Our almighty Vulture plane, is back ! The Vulture Mk.II has passed all the tests, and is now publicly released.


[09/14/12] After an annoying worldwide engineering incident known as "saves incompatibility", Phoenix Corp. engineers had to return to the drawing board an restart our space program from scratch.

We now are back, with a new generation of spacecrafts and other masterpieces of kerbal engineering. The tests are going well, and they will soon be available for order.

Phoenix & Me

Today, we launch the "Phoenix and Me" program. Its goal is to encourage creativity and sharing. In fact, we want to create a community centered around Phoenix Corp.

It comports two parts : "What can Phoenix do for me ?" an "What can I do for Phoenix".

The first one regroups all the things we can do for you specifically, the second one deals with all you can do to help this project to succeed.

Craft / Variant request

You can ask for us to design a special variant of any of our craft, or even request us to design a brand new craft for you.

If you want to use this service, reply in this thread. Your request must begin by the title "Phoenix & Me : Craft request". Make this title (reasonably) visible.

Then detail your request as much as possible : Type of the craft, mission, constraints, stock or with mods, etc.

We will send you a MP to inform you whether we accept your order or not. If we do, you will be informed of the craft design progress regularly and will have the possibility to test the craft if you want to.

When the craft will finally be released, you will be credited of the original idea.

Test and give feedback

Do not hesitate to give us feedback on our work, be it crafts or projects like this "Phoenix & Me" initiative.

We might also post about some engineering problems we will surely encounter. If you know or imagine a possible solution, tell us. Minds always work better together.

Submit your own variants / crafts

Proud of a modification you made on a Phoenix product ? Want to see your own design among ours ?

As we said, we want to build a community here, so don't be shy ! Submit your work !

To do so, reply to this thread. Begin your message with the title "Phoenix & Me : craft submission". Make it (reasonably) visible.

In your submission, detail your original idea, the purpose of the craft, and how its final version fills this role.

The craft may not be totally finished and tested. If so, let us know what problems you are encountering. To make it short : present your craft as well as you can.

If we are interested, we will let you know, and if the craft is released, you will be given credit for what you did.

Join the team !

For now, I am the only one member of Phoenix Corp, but sometime later I'd like to see a team in charge of this project and to make this evolve to other "activities" (addon / parts making, KSP fanart, etc...).

A list is likely to be created to inform you of the "jobs" available . If you are interested, MP me.

Note that you do not have to be the best to apply (I'm far of it myself), but a good knowledge of KSP (and the possible other tools needed) is quite necessary.

Help this thread to live

Simply be active here. An active community is a growing community. Show your support by posting here (not flooding though)

That way, this project will not "sink" in the depths of the forum, and more people can be aware of its existence.

In the same philosophy, banners are likely to be created, but you can already add a link to this topic in your signature.

Phoenix Corporation needs you !

Order online

(free shipping all around Kerbin)


All our new rockets are currently in final test phase, or their advertising campaign is being shot. Stay tuned.

Coming soon :

- the Kerianne series (launcher, stock)

- Mun express lander (Mun & Minmus capable, stock)

- A light orbiter (name to be decided, stock)

- A small tanker (name to be decided, fuel transfer mod)

- Muncraft I (Mun & Minmus capable, comfortable fuel budget, NovaPunch)


It has finally returned !

The Vulture was a reliable airplane, stable, easy to fly even without a joystick and was nice looking.

The Vulture Mk.II is as good as is predecessor in almost every aspect ... and better than it in the others !


But a picture is worth a thousand words, so here is a short presentation of this wonderful airplane :


<iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="http://imgur.com/a/y4Ewy/embed"></iframe>


Order your own Vulture !

There is two version produced in mass for now : the standard one and the heavy (H) one.

The heavy version carries 4 high altitude engines and a lot more fuel, to go faster, higher and further. The downside of it is that it is harder to fly.

Order a standard one

Order a heavy one


Special orders / Submitting a variant

If you want to order or submit another variant of this craft, read the "Phoenix & Me" entry above and follow the guidelines. Thanks.


What is the Platypus ?

The Platypus is an experimental aircraft. It is considered a VTOL since it takes of an lands vertically, but it is a little unconventional.

It is more or less "rocket shaped" and lands with the help of a chute, on lander legs instead of wheels.

It is quite logical, since the Platypus is intended to serve as a base in the design of future atmospheric landers, when 0.17 comes out.


So it lands ... but does it fly ?

Yes it does, and pretty well. Its shape is not only intended to be futuristic, it also insure it a great stability as well as a good maneuverability.

In fact we will probably reuse this kind of shape on future more conventional aircrafts, since we are really happy with the result.


Some flight advice ?

Since it does not have an ASAS, it is advised to fly it with a joystick (or gamepad).

Taking of if really easy : max throttle, wait, fly.

To land, set min throttle, pitch up to kill horizontal velocity. When you begin to fall, open the chute. Then power your descent a bit.

Note that it is better to be under 500 m when opening the chute.

And remember : if you want to land more than once, you will have to had more chutes.




<iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="http://imgur.com/a/ePuna/embed"></iframe>


Order a Platypus

The Platypus is available in two variants : the standard one, pure VTOL, and a hybrid one with wheels.

Order a standard one

Order a hybrid one


Special orders / Submitting a variant

If you want to order or submit another variant of this craft, read the "Phoenix & Me" entry above and follow the guidelines. Thanks.

Edited by Xeo
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can i suggest you post at least 2 screenshots of every craft you make, some people (like me:() might have just moved house into an area with reallly crappy internet and it takes 10 minutes to buffer a 1:30min video on youtube :( lol

edit: my 88th post, good number that.

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Please follow the guidelines detailed under the "Phoenix & Me" section when you ask for a craft. For now all replies are quite visible (due to their ... abundance ^^) but if the thread get a little bit messy in the end, posts following the guidelines will be easy for the team to spot.

That said, Phoenix Corp doesn't have any real VTOL planed for release, so yes your request is accepted.

Now, do you want it stock or with mods (and if yes, which ones?) ? Anything particular to add to the order ?

I have to warn you that I am quite busy at the moment, and it will probably take some days / weeks until your craft is ready.

EDIT : just had an idea. The drop-ship could be the main plane, carrying the crew and one or more little VTOL, powered by the remote tech plugin. The main ship drops the VTOL with chutes, lands a little bit further, and then activate the RC VTOL. The drop-ship could also be a boat or a truck. Does that satisfies you ?

Edited by Xeo
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  Xeo said:
Please follow the guidelines detailed under the "Phoenix & Me" section when you ask for a craft. For now all replies are quite visible (due to their ... abundance ^^) but if the thread get a little bit messy in the end, posts following the guidelines will be easy for the team to spot.

That said, Phoenix Corp doesn't have any real VTOL planed for release, so yes your request is accepted.

Now, do you want it stock or with mods (and if yes, which ones?) ? Anything particular to add to the order ?

I have to warn you that I am quite busy at the moment, and it will probably take some days / weeks until your craft is ready.

EDIT : just had an idea. The drop-ship could be the main plane, carrying the crew and one or more little VTOL, powered by the remote tech plugin. The main ship drops the VTOL with chutes, lands a little bit further, and then activate the RC VTOL. The drop-ship could also be a boat or a truck. Does that satisfies you ?

This sounds a lot more appropriate, yes. Maybe use the damned robotics mod for swing-wings, and maybe add a more professional style?

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  Tim_Barrett said:
It's not a VTOL if it uses a parachute.

It IS a VTOL. The chutes are only used to deploy it. Let me explain :

The dropship is in fact a mobile base, carrying a RC command module and the crew necessary to operate it (5).

It drops the VTOL drone (inactive) with chutes above the targeted (maybe dangerous, this is why it is a drone) location.

The chutes insure the inactive drone lands safely. The dropship then lands in a safe place, and the crew remote controls the VTOL.

Also, here is a


And VTOL only means "Vertical Take-off and Landing", so technically something that lands with chutes can be a VTOL if it is able to take-off vertically. It just wouldn't be considered as a VTOL plane, but rather as a lander, like the Platypus.

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KSP 0.17 being released, our employees are all granted some "holidays" to discover this new version as they please. This means that all Phoenix Corp. services are temporarily unavailable.

We thank our customers for their comprehension.

Sincerely, Xeo.

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Hi everyone, since 0.17 came out I did a few interplanetary trips to Eve with stock spacecrafts. I'm totally sure my last one can take you to Duna without trouble, and probably to Moho too, but I didn't have the time to try.

Now that the forum is back online, I was hopping that useful plugins such as Orbital & Planetary Construction would be 0.17 compatible. They are not for the most part.So my plan which involved extra-kerbal VABs is currently impossible.

Phoenix Corp then revised this plan. And this is the main purpose of this thread : telling you, dear customers, that something almost stock is coming ... something ready for all the interplanetary travels you may want ... something BIG !


Everything is going as planned for now, surprisingly enough (Jeb was disappointed) ...

I'll hopefully come back soon with more details and pics for you, stay tuned.

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The google link should be fixed. The level of authorization needed to download the files was kinda messed up. Thanks to Zero266 for pointing that out, because my gmail inbox was filled with share requests, but not a single person reported this ... This is kinda incredible, I have to say.

Oh and the "big thing" got canceled because of more issues with mods. I will stick to stock for now I guess.

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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