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What's the weirdest asteroid you've seen?

Rocket Witch

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I found one that had glowing blue lines running through it, was disappointed when it turned out to just look pretty and was otherwise exactly the same as a regular potato-roid, I was hoping it had some rare resource in it or something.

I once got an asteroid spawned orbiting inside the rings around the planet Sarnus from the Outer Planets mod, but at some stage it must have encountered a moon because it ended up being hurled into a solar orbit. Some other mod planet packs include some seriously weird asteroid orbits with inclinations of +/-60 degrees and orbits that don't come inside Jool, or outside Eve. For pure stock solar system, I think I saw one that was orbiting out towards Jool or Dres but that may have flown by Kerbin already and I didn't notice.

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9 hours ago, jimmymcgoochie said:

I found one that had glowing blue lines running through it, was disappointed when it turned out to just look pretty and was otherwise exactly the same as a regular potato-roid, I was hoping it had some rare resource in it or something.

I once got an asteroid spawned orbiting inside the rings around the planet Sarnus from the Outer Planets mod, but at some stage it must have encountered a moon because it ended up being hurled into a solar orbit. Some other mod planet packs include some seriously weird asteroid orbits with inclinations of +/-60 degrees and orbits that don't come inside Jool, or outside Eve. For pure stock solar system, I think I saw one that was orbiting out towards Jool or Dres but that may have flown by Kerbin already and I didn't notice.

That is awesome! You randomly found a Magic Asteroid! They’re an easter egg of some sorts!

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To be honest, I don't know any weird asteroids bit there was this one class A I found that had it's perapsis near Eve and was climbing its orbit to Kerbin. I sent a rocket to catch up after it but spent more delta V than I had to and caught it right after it escaped Kerbin. And after I spent 3 hours making the kerbals take turns using their jetpacks to slow down the craft docked with the asteroid cause I was out of fuel. Was a real pain to do with that 0.6 m/s a second of deceleration and 515 m/s of relative velocity to Kerbin.

Edited by Vezbot
Value correction for deceleration velocity
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