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Is CoreHeat the wrong module for the job? And where are my lights?

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This isn't exactly a request for support as much as it's an inquiry into where I should head next. I don't expect exact support since my mod list is ludicrous and I write quite a few patches on my own.

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Starting another attempt at my giant space station to Jupiter project, this time I opted for MKS and USI-LS. However, RO nerd that I am, I wanted to have more realistic heat loads for things. So, I've been making a bunch of ModuleManager patches but things aren't turning out how I wanted. I was hoping to add the MKS 'governor' feature to my main nuclear reactor so that I can opt to run it at partial capacity most of the time. Unfortunately, it doesn't actually slow down the reactor. Not that it would help though since even once all the batteries are full and the reactor has throttled itself back to 3%, the reactor still seems to need the FULL radiator capacity. Making retractable radiators for high-load situations not really a thing. From some quick reading, I started to get the feeling that the CoreHeat module does a lot of weird things and I'm wondering if writing more configs for CoreHeat might be a waste of my time. So far, my best info has been from the limited wiki and This Thread. Should I just put in whatever numbers make the game run now and worry about head-canon for how it all works later?

Also, I just realized that the basic lights don't do anything. SurfaceLights and AviationLights work, but the good old Illuminators don't actually emit light when on... (FYI: I have spent zero time looking into this if it's actually an easy fix)

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