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I get 2-3 fps and max 7 fps bruh why my specs are i5 4590 970 4gb and I have 24gb of ram (Ddr3) and can you give me a list of heavy mods to remove and mods are: https://imgur.com/a/GFk54nH

yeah I maxxed out grafics and I get more fps first then much lower but like 10 percent gpu usage and 50 percent cpu usage yeah and visual mods are welcome but lowwww cpu usage whones thx


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13 hours ago, EmirhanGamer71 said:

and how I get 100 percent cpu utilization is it fault with unity that it cant take advandge of the cores in my cpu,

KSP only uses one core per ship, so normally you have one core doing the heavy lifting and much lighter support threads using other cores.

On my previous KSP rig with an i7 (4 core + ht) I got much better performance by disabling 2 cores which allowed for a higher clockrate.

My current i5 (4 core, no HT) performs much better, despite not being that much better in normal benchmarks.


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