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Hello from Toronto

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I picked up KSP a few weeks ago and have been greatly enjoying myself with it. It's certainly been a great inspiration to study the science behind launching a rocket. I've learned a lot through the program itself and related study. Thanks a lot to the team for putting it all together!

I wasn't sure where in the forums to put a 'spot the bug in this rocket' thread. I'll post it below in a spoiler, and if it doesn't get enough exposure here to be solved I'll try moving it to wherever you suggest for future issues.

EDIT: Good news, identified a math error. So the rocket below is actually performing exactly as should, just the design was worse than I thought.


(apologies if the image breaks due to download/bandwidth limits)

Stock parts + The most recent version of MechJeb (no other plugins than this)

This rocket has been giving me trouble. First off, the aerospikes do not seem to be consuming fuel at anywhere near the expected pace. I believe they have been consuming about 15 L/s when my calculations suggest they should consume about 64 L/s. This causes separation issues because the first stage aerospikes outlast the main Lv T30 (should be 52s and 73s burntime, respectively).

It's delta V as calculated by MechJeb on ascent is below where I calculate it should be performing (worst case scenario, in atmosphere entirely and all numbers rounded unfavourably), and far below that of its predecessor (which has less theoretical delta V and inferior theoretical TWR). I suspect the aerospikes are producing thrust correspondent to their decreased fuel flow, causing it to dwell longer in the atmosphere (and perform worse than the SRB version). And the staging issues probably explain why it is missing its potential.

Finally, I couldn't affix the aerospikes directly to the tri-coupler, and had to use the unfortunate structural fuselages to rig a solution.

What might explain some of these issues? In particular, is the fuel flow being constricted because of the parts set up, or are the engines consuming less fuel because of a bug?

Thanks so much for your time reading and any help!

Mission stages total mass 25 Mg.

Second Ascent Stage (fuel leftover in central tanks):

Total 47.14 Mg Dry 38 Mg

280 Isp

1430 dV

First Ascent Stage (central engine and aerospikes simultaneously firing):

52.32 s Burn time

Total 114 Mg Dry 59.14 Mg

341 Weighted Isp

2195 dV

Total Ascent Delta V: 3625

MechJeb suggests ~3200 Delta V is realized.

ship = Aerospike Flawed

version = 0.16.0

type = VAB



part = mumech.mechjebpod_4294885286

pos = -0.2525217,22.67297,0.002961874

rot = 0,-0.7071068,0,-0.7071068

mir = 1,1,1

istg = 0

dstg = 0

sidx = 0

sqor = 0

attm = 0

link = advSasModule_4294885214

attN = bottom, advSasModule_4294885214




part = advSasModule_4294885214

pos = -0.2525217,21.71308,0.002961874

rot = 0,-0.7071068,0,-0.7071068

mir = 1,1,1

istg = 0

dstg = 0

sidx = 1

sqor = 0

attm = 0

link = stackDecoupler_4294885186

link = parachuteSingle_4294885148

link = parachuteSingle_4294885104

link = parachuteSingle_4294885060

attN = top, mumech.mechjebpod_4294885286

attN = bottom, stackDecoupler_4294885186




part = stackDecoupler_4294885186

pos = -0.2525217,21.64568,0.002961874

rot = 0,-0.7071068,0,-0.7071068

mir = 1,1,1

istg = 0

dstg = 1

sidx = 2

sqor = 0

attm = 0

link = mk2SpacePlaneAdapter_4294885016

attN = bottom, mk2SpacePlaneAdapter_4294885016

attN = top, advSasModule_4294885214




part = parachuteSingle_4294885148

pos = 0.07034159,22.27094,0.5699651

rot = 0.6830128,0.1830128,-0.1830128,0.6830127

mir = 1,1,1

istg = 0

dstg = 0

sidx = 3

sqor = 0

attm = 1

sym = parachuteSingle_4294885060

sym = parachuteSingle_4294885104

srfN = srfAttach, advSasModule_4294885214




part = parachuteSingle_4294885104

pos = 0.0770863,22.27094,-0.5601472

rot = 0.1830127,0.6830128,-0.6830128,0.1830126

mir = 1,1,1

istg = 0

dstg = 0

sidx = 4

sqor = 0

attm = 1

sym = parachuteSingle_4294885060

sym = parachuteSingle_4294885148

srfN = srfAttach, advSasModule_4294885214




part = parachuteSingle_4294885060

pos = -0.9049922,22.27094,-0.0009322376

rot = 0.5000002,-0.4999999,0.5000002,0.5

mir = 1,1,1

istg = 0

dstg = 0

sidx = 5

sqor = 0

attm = 1

sym = parachuteSingle_4294885148

sym = parachuteSingle_4294885104

srfN = srfAttach, advSasModule_4294885214




part = mk2SpacePlaneAdapter_4294885016

pos = -0.2525217,20.32867,0.002961874

rot = 0,-0.7071068,0,-0.7071068

mir = 1,1,1

istg = 1

dstg = 2

sidx = 0

sqor = 1

attm = 0

link = fuelTank1-2_4294884992

attN = top, stackDecoupler_4294885186

attN = bottom, fuelTank1-2_4294884992




part = fuelTank1-2_4294884992

pos = -0.2525217,17.50367,0.002961874

rot = 0,-0.7071068,0,-0.7071068

mir = 1,1,1

istg = 1

dstg = 2

sidx = 1

sqor = 1

attm = 0

link = liquidEngine2-2_4294884968

link = landingLeg1-2_4294884898

link = landingLeg1-2_4294884824

link = landingLeg1-2_4294884750

link = strutConnector_4294884404

link = strutConnector_4294884348

link = strutConnector_4294882948

link = strutConnector_4294882892

link = launchClamp1_4294882836

attN = top, mk2SpacePlaneAdapter_4294885016

attN = bottom, liquidEngine2-2_4294884968




part = liquidEngine2-2_4294884968

pos = -0.2525217,14.90173,0.002961874

rot = 0,-0.7071068,0,-0.7071068

mir = 1,1,1

istg = 2

dstg = 2

sidx = 0

sqor = 2

attm = 0

link = stackDecoupler_4294884676

attN = top, fuelTank1-2_4294884992

attN = bottom, stackDecoupler_4294884676




part = landingLeg1-2_4294884898

pos = 0.4004273,16.1061,1.168962

rot = -1.07501E-06,0.2588192,2.880481E-07,0.9659259

mir = 1,1,1

istg = 1

dstg = 2

sidx = 2

sqor = 1

attm = 1

sym = landingLeg1-2_4294884750

sym = landingLeg1-2_4294884824

srfN = srfAttach, fuelTank1-2_4294884992




part = landingLeg1-2_4294884824

pos = 0.4307893,16.1061,-1.145507

rot = -2.880481E-07,0.965926,1.07501E-06,0.258819

mir = 1,1,1

istg = 1

dstg = 2

sidx = 3

sqor = 1

attm = 1

sym = landingLeg1-2_4294884750

sym = landingLeg1-2_4294884898

srfN = srfAttach, fuelTank1-2_4294884992




part = landingLeg1-2_4294884750

pos = -1.588779,16.1061,-0.01456785

rot = -7.869618E-07,-0.7071068,-7.869618E-07,0.7071068

mir = 1,1,1

istg = 1

dstg = 2

sidx = 4

sqor = 1

attm = 1

sym = landingLeg1-2_4294884898

sym = landingLeg1-2_4294884824

srfN = srfAttach, fuelTank1-2_4294884992




part = stackDecoupler_4294884676

pos = -0.2525217,14.0633,0.002961874

rot = 0,-0.7071068,0,-0.7071068

mir = 1,1,1

istg = 2

dstg = 3

sidx = 1

sqor = 2

attm = 0

link = fuelTank1-2_4294884638

attN = bottom, fuelTank1-2_4294884638

attN = top, liquidEngine2-2_4294884968




part = fuelTank1-2_4294884638

pos = -0.2525217,11.82129,0.002961874

rot = 0,-0.7071068,0,-0.7071068

mir = 1,1,1

istg = 2

dstg = 4

sidx = 2

sqor = 2

attm = 0

link = fuelTank1-2_4294884614

link = radialDecoupler1-2_4294884528

link = radialDecoupler1-2_4294884490

link = launchClamp1_4294884068

link = launchClamp1_4294883964

attN = top, stackDecoupler_4294884676

attN = bottom, fuelTank1-2_4294884614




part = fuelTank1-2_4294884614

pos = -0.2525217,8.071285,0.002961874

rot = 0,-0.7071068,0,-0.7071068

mir = 1,1,1

istg = 2

dstg = 4

sidx = 3

sqor = 2

attm = 0

link = liquidEngine1-2_4294884590

attN = top, fuelTank1-2_4294884638

attN = bottom, liquidEngine1-2_4294884590




part = liquidEngine1-2_4294884590

pos = -0.2525217,5.130976,0.002961874

rot = 0,-0.7071068,0,-0.7071068

mir = 1,1,1

istg = 4

dstg = 4

sidx = 0

sqor = 4

attm = 0

attN = top, fuelTank1-2_4294884614




part = radialDecoupler1-2_4294884528

pos = -0.3476764,10.81333,1.210372

rot = 0,0.7071069,0,0.7071068

mir = 1,1,1

istg = 3

dstg = 5

sidx = 0

sqor = 3

attm = 1

link = fuelTank1-2_4294884452

sym = radialDecoupler1-2_4294884490

srfN = srfAttach, fuelTank1-2_4294884638




part = radialDecoupler1-2_4294884490

pos = -0.157367,10.81333,-1.204448

rot = 0,-0.7071068,0,0.7071068

mir = 1,1,1

istg = 3

dstg = 5

sidx = 1

sqor = 3

attm = 1

link = fuelTank1-2_4294884428

sym = radialDecoupler1-2_4294884528

srfN = srfAttach, fuelTank1-2_4294884638




part = fuelTank1-2_4294884452

pos = -0.3868804,10.80517,2.623505

rot = 0,0.7071068,0,0.7071069

mir = 1,1,1

istg = 3

dstg = 6

sidx = 2

sqor = 3

attm = 1

link = strutConnector_4294884236

link = strutConnector_4294884180

link = stackTriCoupler_4294883860

sym = fuelTank1-2_4294884428

srfN = srfAttach, radialDecoupler1-2_4294884528

attN = bottom, stackTriCoupler_4294883860




part = fuelTank1-2_4294884428

pos = -0.1181628,10.80517,-2.617583

rot = 0,-0.7071068,0,0.7071068

mir = 1,1,1

istg = 3

dstg = 6

sidx = 3

sqor = 3

attm = 1

link = strutConnector_4294884292

link = strutConnector_4294884124

link = stackTriCoupler_4294883836

sym = fuelTank1-2_4294884452

srfN = srfAttach, radialDecoupler1-2_4294884490

attN = bottom, stackTriCoupler_4294883836




part = strutConnector_4294884404

pos = 0.6957819,15.82961,0.7752771

rot = -9.309837E-07,0.9659255,-2.494577E-07,0.2588206

mir = 1,1,1

istg = 3

dstg = 2

sidx = 4

sqor = 3

attm = 1

cData = tgt: fuelTank1-2_7; pos: 8.579537E-06,-2.231731,0.02225615; dir: 4.405082E-06,-0.9999502,0.009972093

sym = strutConnector_4294884348

srfN = srfAttach, fuelTank1-2_4294884992




part = strutConnector_4294884348

pos = -1.200826,15.82961,-0.7693533

rot = 2.494578E-07,-0.2588206,-9.309837E-07,0.9659255

mir = 1,1,1

istg = 3

dstg = 2

sidx = 5

sqor = 3

attm = 1

cData = tgt: fuelTank1-2_7; pos: 1.365252E-05,-3.343279,0.03334751; dir: 4.405082E-06,-0.9999502,0.009972093

sym = strutConnector_4294884404

srfN = srfAttach, fuelTank1-2_4294884992




part = strutConnector_4294884292

pos = 0.6397911,12.01633,-1.660994

rot = 4.819167E-07,-0.8660263,2.782337E-07,-0.4999987

mir = 1,1,1

istg = 3

dstg = 6

sidx = 6

sqor = 3

attm = 1

cData = tgt: fuelTank1-2_7; pos: -0.6060436,-0.3707463,-0.4350411; dir: -0.7274836,-0.4450371,-0.522216

sym = strutConnector_4294884236

srfN = srfAttach, fuelTank1-2_4294884428




part = strutConnector_4294884236

pos = -1.144834,12.01633,1.666918

rot = 2.782336E-07,-0.4999987,-4.819165E-07,0.8660264

mir = 1,1,1

istg = 3

dstg = 6

sidx = 7

sqor = 3

attm = 1

cData = tgt: fuelTank1-2_7; pos: -0.606043,-0.3707463,-0.4350411; dir: -0.7274836,-0.4450371,-0.522216

sym = strutConnector_4294884292

srfN = srfAttach, fuelTank1-2_4294884452




part = strutConnector_4294884180

pos = 0.2395359,11.95718,1.590971

rot = 5.184158E-07,0.8660256,-2.993069E-07,-0.4999997

mir = 1,1,1

istg = 3

dstg = 6

sidx = 8

sqor = 3

attm = 1

cData = tgt: fuelTank1-2_7; pos: -0.7380648,-0.3491202,0.05178234; dir: -0.902157,-0.4267391,0.06329645

sym = strutConnector_4294884124

srfN = srfAttach, fuelTank1-2_4294884452




part = strutConnector_4294884124

pos = -0.744579,11.95718,-1.585048

rot = 2.993067E-07,0.4999996,5.184153E-07,0.8660258

mir = 1,1,1

istg = 3

dstg = 6

sidx = 9

sqor = 3

attm = 1

cData = tgt: fuelTank1-2_7; pos: -0.7380672,-0.3491212,0.05178272; dir: -0.902157,-0.4267391,0.06329645

sym = strutConnector_4294884180

srfN = srfAttach, fuelTank1-2_4294884428




part = launchClamp1_4294884068

pos = 1.761811,11.19281,0.06270044

rot = -7.869616E-07,0.7071068,-7.869616E-07,-0.7071069

mir = 1,1,1

istg = 4

dstg = 4

sidx = 1

sqor = 4

attm = 1

sym = launchClamp1_4294883964

srfN = srfAttach, fuelTank1-2_4294884638



name = LaunchClamp

isEnabled = True

releaseFxGroupName = activate

trf_towerPivot_name = obj_girdercap

trf_towerStretch_name = obj_girder

trf_anchor_name = obj_ground

trf_animationRoot_name = launchclamp

anim_decouple_name = launchclamp

scaleFactor = 4.697597

height = 11.85296

towerRot = 0,0,0,1





part = launchClamp1_4294883964

pos = -2.266856,11.19281,-0.0567768

rot = 7.869618E-07,0.7071068,-7.869618E-07,0.7071068

mir = 1,1,1

istg = 4

dstg = 4

sidx = 2

sqor = 4

attm = 1

sym = launchClamp1_4294884068

srfN = srfAttach, fuelTank1-2_4294884638



name = LaunchClamp

isEnabled = True

releaseFxGroupName = activate

trf_towerPivot_name = obj_girdercap

trf_towerStretch_name = obj_girder

trf_anchor_name = obj_ground

trf_animationRoot_name = launchclamp

anim_decouple_name = launchclamp

scaleFactor = 4.697597

height = 11.85296

towerRot = 0,0,0,1





part = stackTriCoupler_4294883860

pos = -0.4074943,8.53301,2.54211

rot = 0,1,0,-1.685874E-07

mir = 1,1,1

istg = 4

dstg = 6

sidx = 3

sqor = 4

attm = 0

link = Mk1FuselageStructural_4294883548

link = Mk1FuselageStructural_4294883460

link = Mk1FuselageStructural_4294883372

attN = top, fuelTank1-2_4294884452

attN = bottom01, Mk1FuselageStructural_4294883548

attN = bottom02, Mk1FuselageStructural_4294883460

attN = bottom03, Mk1FuselageStructural_4294883372




part = stackTriCoupler_4294883836

pos = -0.09754911,8.53301,-2.536187

rot = 0,0,0,1

mir = 1,1,1

istg = 4

dstg = 6

sidx = 4

sqor = 4

attm = 0

link = Mk1FuselageStructural_4294883812

link = Mk1FuselageStructural_4294883724

link = Mk1FuselageStructural_4294883636

attN = top, fuelTank1-2_4294884428

attN = bottom01, Mk1FuselageStructural_4294883812

attN = bottom02, Mk1FuselageStructural_4294883724

attN = bottom03, Mk1FuselageStructural_4294883636




part = Mk1FuselageStructural_4294883812

pos = -0.8376976,7.26403,-2.202162

rot = 0,0.8660256,0,0.5

mir = 1,1,1

istg = 4

dstg = 6

sidx = 5

sqor = 4

attm = 0

link = toroidalAerospike_4294883784

link = strutConnector_4294883116

sym = Mk1FuselageStructural_4294883636

sym = Mk1FuselageStructural_4294883724

attN = top, stackTriCoupler_4294883836

attN = bottom, toroidalAerospike_4294883784




part = toroidalAerospike_4294883784

pos = -0.8376983,6.31403,-2.202161

rot = 0,0.8660256,0,0.5

mir = 1,1,1

istg = 4

dstg = 6

sidx = 6

sqor = 4

attm = 0

sym = toroidalAerospike_4294883608

sym = toroidalAerospike_4294883696

attN = top, Mk1FuselageStructural_4294883812




part = Mk1FuselageStructural_4294883724

pos = 0.6013722,7.26403,-2.202165

rot = 0,0.8660255,0,-0.5000001

mir = 1,1,1

istg = 4

dstg = 6

sidx = 7

sqor = 4

attm = 0

link = toroidalAerospike_4294883696

link = strutConnector_4294883060

sym = Mk1FuselageStructural_4294883636

sym = Mk1FuselageStructural_4294883812

attN = top, stackTriCoupler_4294883836

attN = bottom, toroidalAerospike_4294883696




part = toroidalAerospike_4294883696

pos = 0.601373,6.31403,-2.202164

rot = 0,0.8660255,0,-0.5000001

mir = 1,1,1

istg = 4

dstg = 6

sidx = 8

sqor = 4

attm = 0

sym = toroidalAerospike_4294883608

sym = toroidalAerospike_4294883784

attN = top, Mk1FuselageStructural_4294883724




part = Mk1FuselageStructural_4294883636

pos = -0.118163,7.26403,-3.448436

rot = 0,0,0,1

mir = 1,1,1

istg = 4

dstg = 6

sidx = 9

sqor = 4

attm = 0

link = toroidalAerospike_4294883608

link = strutConnector_4294883004

sym = Mk1FuselageStructural_4294883812

sym = Mk1FuselageStructural_4294883724

attN = top, stackTriCoupler_4294883836

attN = bottom, toroidalAerospike_4294883608




part = toroidalAerospike_4294883608

pos = -0.1181629,6.31403,-3.448437

rot = 0,0,0,1

mir = 1,1,1

istg = 4

dstg = 6

sidx = 10

sqor = 4

attm = 0

sym = toroidalAerospike_4294883784

sym = toroidalAerospike_4294883696

attN = top, Mk1FuselageStructural_4294883636




part = Mk1FuselageStructural_4294883548

pos = 0.332654,7.26403,2.208083

rot = 0,0.8660256,0,0.5

mir = 1,1,1

istg = 4

dstg = 6

sidx = 11

sqor = 4

attm = 0

link = toroidalAerospike_4294883520

link = strutConnector_4294883284

sym = Mk1FuselageStructural_4294883372

sym = Mk1FuselageStructural_4294883460

attN = top, stackTriCoupler_4294883860

attN = bottom, toroidalAerospike_4294883520




part = toroidalAerospike_4294883520

pos = 0.3326532,6.31403,2.208084

rot = 0,0.8660256,0,0.5

mir = 1,1,1

istg = 4

dstg = 6

sidx = 12

sqor = 4

attm = 0

sym = toroidalAerospike_4294883344

sym = toroidalAerospike_4294883432

attN = top, Mk1FuselageStructural_4294883548




part = Mk1FuselageStructural_4294883460

pos = -1.106416,7.26403,2.208086

rot = 0,0.8660253,0,-0.5000003

mir = 1,1,1

istg = 4

dstg = 6

sidx = 13

sqor = 4

attm = 0

link = toroidalAerospike_4294883432

link = strutConnector_4294883228

sym = Mk1FuselageStructural_4294883372

sym = Mk1FuselageStructural_4294883548

attN = top, stackTriCoupler_4294883860

attN = bottom, toroidalAerospike_4294883432




part = toroidalAerospike_4294883432

pos = -1.106416,6.31403,2.208087

rot = 0,0.8660254,0,-0.5000002

mir = 1,1,1

istg = 4

dstg = 6

sidx = 14

sqor = 4

attm = 0

sym = toroidalAerospike_4294883344

sym = toroidalAerospike_4294883520

attN = top, Mk1FuselageStructural_4294883460




part = Mk1FuselageStructural_4294883372

pos = -0.38688,7.26403,3.454355

rot = 0,1.264406E-07,0,1

mir = 1,1,1

istg = 4

dstg = 6

sidx = 15

sqor = 4

attm = 0

link = toroidalAerospike_4294883344

link = strutConnector_4294883172

sym = Mk1FuselageStructural_4294883548

sym = Mk1FuselageStructural_4294883460

attN = top, stackTriCoupler_4294883860

attN = bottom, toroidalAerospike_4294883344




part = toroidalAerospike_4294883344

pos = -0.38688,6.31403,3.454355

rot = 0,4.214685E-08,0,1

mir = 1,1,1

istg = 4

dstg = 6

sidx = 16

sqor = 4

attm = 0

sym = toroidalAerospike_4294883520

sym = toroidalAerospike_4294883432

attN = top, Mk1FuselageStructural_4294883372




part = strutConnector_4294883284

pos = 0.3326548,7.612895,2.809903

rot = 0,-0.7071068,0,-0.7071069

mir = 1,1,1

istg = 4

dstg = 6

sidx = 17

sqor = 4

attm = 1

cData = tgt: Mk1FuselageStructural_21; pos: -0.6982316,-0.5327539,-0.1190316; dir: -0.7878065,-0.6011019,-0.1343043

sym = strutConnector_4294883172

sym = strutConnector_4294883228

srfN = srfAttach, Mk1FuselageStructural_4294883548




part = strutConnector_4294883228

pos = -0.5852264,7.612895,1.907176

rot = 0,-0.9659259,0,0.2588192

mir = 1,1,1

istg = 4

dstg = 6

sidx = 18

sqor = 4

attm = 1

cData = tgt: Mk1FuselageStructural_15; pos: -0.6982214,-0.5327463,-0.1190322; dir: -0.7878065,-0.6011019,-0.1343043

sym = strutConnector_4294883172

sym = strutConnector_4294883284

srfN = srfAttach, Mk1FuselageStructural_4294883460




part = strutConnector_4294883172

pos = -0.90807,7.612895,3.153445

rot = 0,0.2588188,0,-0.9659261

mir = 1,1,1

istg = 4

dstg = 6

sidx = 19

sqor = 4

attm = 1

cData = tgt: Mk1FuselageStructural_18; pos: -0.6982127,-0.5327425,-0.1190287; dir: -0.7878065,-0.6011019,-0.1343043

sym = strutConnector_4294883284

sym = strutConnector_4294883228

srfN = srfAttach, Mk1FuselageStructural_4294883372




part = strutConnector_4294883116

pos = -0.9944655,7.540522,-2.787231

rot = 8.238843E-09,0.6087614,-1.427006E-08,-0.7933535

mir = 1,1,1

istg = 4

dstg = 6

sidx = 20

sqor = 4

attm = 1

cData = tgt: Mk1FuselageStructural_35; pos: -0.4215005,-0.5881233,-0.3984698; dir: -0.5102694,-0.7119861,-0.4823909

sym = strutConnector_4294883004

sym = strutConnector_4294883060

srfN = srfAttach, Mk1FuselageStructural_4294883812




part = strutConnector_4294883060

pos = 0.1730748,7.540522,-1.773864

rot = -8.238818E-09,-0.3826836,-1.427008E-08,-0.9238797

mir = 1,1,1

istg = 4

dstg = 6

sidx = 21

sqor = 4

attm = 1

cData = tgt: Mk1FuselageStructural_29; pos: -0.4215007,-0.5881271,-0.3984721; dir: -0.5102694,-0.7119861,-0.4823909

sym = strutConnector_4294883004

sym = strutConnector_4294883116

srfN = srfAttach, Mk1FuselageStructural_4294883724




part = strutConnector_4294883004

pos = 0.4669036,7.540522,-3.291667

rot = 1.647766E-08,0.991445,1.884111E-14,0.1305262

mir = 1,1,1

istg = 4

dstg = 6

sidx = 22

sqor = 4

attm = 1

cData = tgt: Mk1FuselageStructural_32; pos: -0.4214974,-0.5881214,-0.3984675; dir: -0.5102694,-0.7119861,-0.4823909

sym = strutConnector_4294883116

sym = strutConnector_4294883060

srfN = srfAttach, Mk1FuselageStructural_4294883636




part = strutConnector_4294882948

pos = 0.7970355,15.8061,-0.6029999

rot = 0,-0.965926,0,0.258819

mir = 1,1,1

istg = 2

dstg = 2

sidx = 4

sqor = -1

attm = 1

cData = tgt: fuelTank1-2_7; pos: 0.004513057,-2.486444,-0.01335936; dir: 0.001815464,-0.9999839,-0.005372838

sym = strutConnector_4294882892

srfN = srfAttach, fuelTank1-2_4294884992




part = strutConnector_4294882892

pos = -1.302079,15.8061,0.6089236

rot = 0,-0.258819,0,-0.9659259

mir = 1,1,1

istg = 2

dstg = 2

sidx = 5

sqor = -1

attm = 1

cData = tgt: fuelTank1-2_7; pos: 0.004520463,-2.490166,-0.01337958; dir: 0.001815464,-0.9999839,-0.005372838

sym = strutConnector_4294882948

srfN = srfAttach, fuelTank1-2_4294884992




part = launchClamp1_4294882836

pos = 1.501649,17.31964,-0.987381

rot = 8.238354E-07,0.4999984,4.756394E-07,-0.8660265

mir = 1,1,1

istg = 4

dstg = 2

sidx = 23

sqor = 4

attm = 1

srfN = srfAttach, fuelTank1-2_4294884992



name = LaunchClamp

isEnabled = True

releaseFxGroupName = activate

trf_towerPivot_name = obj_girdercap

trf_towerStretch_name = obj_girder

trf_anchor_name = obj_ground

trf_animationRoot_name = launchclamp

anim_decouple_name = launchclamp

scaleFactor = 7.125799

height = 17.97979

towerRot = 0,0,0,1



Edited by Free Market
Found the math error
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