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Should I Keep Making Videos?


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I got a message saying "You are a complete and utter noob and you are very annoying. You have not done one thing correctly in your videos. Either get some skill and make good videos or don't make any at all." and what i want to ask you is, is he right ;.; heres my channel can you guys please check out some of my videos and tell me if i should carry on recording.

Thanks Guys :blush:

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I agree with Martonaut - you are creating for your OWN amusement, not the fool who criticised you. If he can't be bothered to teach you how to make better videos then you can delete his message and ignore him.

Of course, it can't hurt to look around for tutorials on making videos, to see if any teach style and technique rather than the mechanics of using the software. You might pick up on some of the decisions you are making that annoy this fool so badly, which will help you make better videos for other people.

It also helps to watch as many other videos as you can, with your finger on Pause, and an open notepad document where you can write down the things that irritate you when watching other videos. Things like - the guy doesn't know what he's going to say in a tutorial video, he's telling you things that 1,001 other videos tell you, the music sucks, the action doesn't match the music, he keeps jumping from rocket view to orbit view (always good to edit those bits out), he doesn't use captions (excellent tool for tutorial videos) etc, etc, etc. The more you become aware of the mistakes other people make, and that helps you to make better videos yourself. (It's how great film makers become great; they watch other peoples' films, learn how they do it, and learn how to avoid their mistakes - and then when they can make good films they add creativity to create great films!)

Good luck, have fun!

BTW, this is not exactly about KSP itself, so I'm moving it to Off Topic.

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Lol, i checked out your channel and didn't bother to look at the videos. Not because i think they suck (which I dont) but you have 1k subscribers. That is proof that you are doing something right! Trolls are gonna troll dude! Keep up the good work, there will always be people to criticize your work.

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