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Ello from Houston!


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Hey all, sorry for not making my first post here! My online alias is Nerfsmurf and I hope to grow in the KSP community! I am currently in the process of making a KSP fanpage which I hope will become a household name for KSP fans!

I discovered KSP at college, I saw one of my friends playing the demo and so I bought 0.16 and got hooked ever since! Looking forward to the future releases and having a positive experience with you guys!

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Thanks for the warm welcomes! Another question (kinda awkward...) but what is the post-count when can I change avatar, write a sig, and PM so I can set aside a designated amount of time to be active in the forum everyday.

(I need to talk to addon devs to ask permissions) Or can I ask them directly in their thread?

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