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i cant transfer uranium to a NERV?

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for whatever reason, if i make the NERV solid core nuclear engine via extraplanetary launchpads, i cant seem to fuel it up with enriched uranium? it keeps saying that it cannot handle radioactive storage, which is kinda odd, or is it that you cannot transfer fuel in or out

edit: ok somethings off, a radioactive tank cant handle radioactive storage (IT IS ITS PURPOSE LOL)? that doesnt seem right, i let the nuclear processor cool off (its near future electrics)
also, i have kerbal atomics, which is most likely compatible

am i doing something wrong? i do have a few level 2 engineers

edit: apparently it works just fine transferring it to itself! but not to a nuclear fuel container attached to it somehow

i have KSPIE, kerbal atmoics (what i think are mainly affecting the NERVs)

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