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tridimensional thrust

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4 minutes ago, king of nowhere said:

old geezers that are all like "we didn't have all those fancy stuff in our days, and we managed just fine". 

Oh, I wished it was the case.

I tried to use all those fancy stuff and still screamed in despair with how badly managed docking back in the days.


I'm not saying that you shouldn't look for better way to dock. I'm saying that, while there is ways I know to make it easier, is hard to explain how.

I'd like to offer better advice, but I can't. Not only it is counterintuitive but also chances are that your aha! moment will not be like mine was.


PS: I have this quirk of sticking with a subject way beyond the point is necessary without noticing. You don't need to worry about offending me just because you noticed  but I appreciate if you may forgive me for the annoyance that it may cause.

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