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Black Screen, still have a cursor and it's loading

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Upon loading a new save/world I encounter a black screen. It's not frozen, I can still move around my cursor and the thingy spinning around in the bottom right corner still spins. I've tried waiting 20 min once and it didn't change. Also when KSP has loaded, into the main menu, it gives me a error of kopernicus which is my only clue. Could this error message have something to do with this? I am playing with mods, in version 1.7.3 After Kerbin/Beyond Kerbin. I want to include my KSP log but I could not find it so please help me find this aswell so I can include it. I found something called "output_log.txt" in "AppData/LocalLow/KSP" or whatever. I think I should also say that I am using CKAN

I've tried finding a solution for this, for a while now, nothing has worked. Some things I've tried: Changing the desktop size and position to see if it was some problem with KSP not finding my monitor, I tried removing Module Manager Cache.


It's really getting to me that everytime I try something new it doesn't work. At all. Crashes, errors, Black Screens, Infinite Loading, etc... Again, if you could help me find the KSP logs too that'd be awesome. I mean it doesn't seem to be here? https://gyazo.com/776ab82faf33f804278e314d9a73d90e - The Logs folder.


EDIT: KSP Logs: "output_log" and "Player.log" - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/u0dedbj8fj61i56/AACjxRQx2NM4p3QwWJsOemg9a?dl=0 (I think this should work, first time using dropbox :))

Edited by Vess
Added a link to my KSP logs.
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A list of mods you're using would be helpful, CKAN can provide them if you go to File > save installed mod list, you'll get a text file with your mods and their versions in it. Upload that and share it here too. Can you also share the log files not in a zipped folder?

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