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[1.9.1+] OPT Spaceplane Continued (beta) [Mar 24, 2025]


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On 12/19/2023 at 2:19 AM, InterStellar_HomingPidgeon said:

This is a bit of an unrelated question but will OPT be coming to KSP 2?

It's unlikely. As far as I know (someone correct me if I'm wrong) the KSP1 model files (.mu) don't work with KSP2. Brand new format. Which means that unless we have the original model files on hand (used to export from Unity to KSP) then it's not happening at all.

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  • 1 month later...

This might seem silly, but how do you provide sufficient electrical power for the advanced engines that are really power hungry?

I don't see any generators or power plants that can supply these levels of electrical power.

Possibly related, but I also occasionally see references to part names that don't appear anywhere - though maybe those comments might be referring to earlier versions of the mod. (Sandbox mode with all parts available)

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Power... You need large batteries - something that stores in the ballpark of 100k+ electric charge.  I use the Configurable Containers mod to let me repurpose and partition tanks so I them up with other stuff and still keep the parts count down.

Generators... OPT Legacy has the Power Spheres.  Just remember to stay away from the OPT H. Some of the OPT H parts cause crashes.

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  • 2 weeks later...
8 hours ago, RedSh0t said:

hi, i'm having a problem with opt, the wings don't produce lift and elevons don't work, i don't have ferram installed and i don't know what could be the problem, if needed i can post the mod list

Howdy. Someone said that refreshing/redownloading KSP fixed it. I have yet to hear from someone that they picked apart their install and identified the mod or the patch therein that may contain :FOR[FerramAerospaceResearch] so I can't help and say "X is doing that. Do Y to it."

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9 hours ago, RedSh0t said:

hi, i'm having a problem with opt, the wings don't produce lift and elevons don't work, i don't have ferram installed and i don't know what could be the problem, if needed i can post the mod list

If you post your KSP.log (from the root KSP folder) and ModuleManager.ConfigCache file (from GameData folder) I'll take a look at them.

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5 hours ago, RedSh0t said:

hi, for fresh reinstall you mean uninstalling it from steam, reinstalling it and downloading my modpack again? 

And how do i post my log file?

I recommend a Dropbox account, upload it there (or download the Dropbox software and drop the files in the Dropbox folder, that's easiest) then post the link for the file.

Don't forget ModuleManager.ConfigCache, it's as important as the log file and together, the two files paint a complete picture of your KSP installation and what is modifying what.

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On 2/13/2024 at 5:55 PM, RedSh0t said:

I'll take a look at them tonight. In the meantime, here is a pro Dropbox tip! Look at the end of the URLs. If you change &dl=0 to &dl=1 then those become one click links! One click and they insta-download.
(this is another reason why I prefer Dropbox over other file sharing services)

Edit: Ooops, that log file... 418 MB. In the future, please zip up huge files like that. They're text files so they'll compress nicely.

Edited by Starwaster
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Look in your GameData folder.

Delete Custom_FARAeroData.cfg

That probably is enough to fix the problem but I'm still looking at what else is being done to the OPT wing/control surface parts. 

(basically, something is applying FAR config data to your parts, The file I'm telling you to delete is written in a way that Module Manager will interpret as 'FAR is installed' due to a horrible MM design philosophy)

Edit: OPT Reconfig is what is actually patching your wings/control surfaces but it's not really at 'fault'. It thinks FAR is installed because of that file I said to delete.

Edit: Have you ever had FAR installed before? I'm assuming that's where Custom_FARAeroData.cfg actually comes from. But that means it is saving that file in the GameData root. So if you uninstall FAR, then that file will be left behind unless you actually go looking for it.

Edited by Starwaster
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Hey guys, so i seem to have some issues with OPT and RasterPropMonitor. Sadly, most of the beuatifully made cockpits are broken, meaning all the RPM-monitors are black eventhough they're supposed to be on, the panel lighting doesnt work etc. etc. I can press most of the buttons n stuff, and they seem to do their associated thing, but lighting and displays are completely borked. Anyone got similar issues and/or a way to fix this? Logs are here:


Any help is appreciated :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Run and scream in fear! :ph34r: I'm about to drop an update and mess with your craft files again!

  1. These...
    Are finally being cleaned of their krakenbait.
  2. CryoTanks seal of approval
    All parts' dry masses have been tuned. Anything that holds fuel should weigh appropriately less.  I've seen 2 or 3 parts drop weight by factors of 10 and 20!
  3. Engine types
    I've changed these. Again. :ph34r:
  • The Dark Drive is now an Antimatter type. Dark Goo and Dark Science are gone.
  • Warpjets are Pulsed Inductive Thruster type (but still run on IntakeAtm and still have great thrust), single-mode only and may rely on the NF Propulsion function for PIT engines tweakable Isp with constant thrust. The previous B9-powered Isp selector is gone now.
  • Any SCOOP engines no longer are. No more hybrid-plasma business.
  • Some engines have become thermal nozzle type, namely the 3.75m Helicarrier engine and the ARI-73.
  • Some air-breathing engines will run LFO+IntakeAtm (but be no less efficient) in order to remain useful in unbreathable atmosphere while simplifying fuel switch options.
  • The J-61 will be changed to scramjet only (will only function between Mach 4 and 12) or shcramjet (Mach 4 to any. Its appearance lends itself well to this). The reason for this change being that the J-60 (a long engine) exists to fill the role of all-range air-breathing engine but the J-61 makes it and the HAE-02 (short turboramjet engine) pointless.
  • LFO engines will be (or already are) properly compatible with cryofuel switching via Rational Resources Jet Family.
  • The optional extra configs: Less Handwavium, Zero Handwavium, CryoEngines should no longer be necessary.
Edited by JadeOfMaar
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When I last tried OPT Spaceplane, all of the normal parts in the spaceplanes I was building had antimatter storage, for some reason (I hadn't unlocked any antimatter storage or use for it), and while I didn't load them with any antimatter, they still demanded huge amounts of power to contain the zero antimatter. Iirc bad things happened when it ran out of power, but it's been years and I didn't make any notes about it. I do remember a red message of doom when they ran out of power.

Anyways, I'm wondering if you happen to have noticed and fixed anything like this in the new version. Or taken antimatter storage away from all of the normal parts and relegated it to antimatter-specific containers?

(I was assuming this wasn't the fault of some other mod mainly because opt spaceplane parts are the only parts I've ever seen this with)

Edited by AmanitaVerna
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@AmanitaVerna I don't actually play with FFT so I was never aware of this behavior of the antimatter containment module. I just wrote a config for Sterling Systems so the containment cost scales with the height options of the tanks there so I already have a solution for this problem. That would be to make the containment cost 0 when not set to hold antimatter. Or perhaps OPT should just not offer the tank type anymore. It could be really inconvenient to have to break one's plane to eject the one or two OPT fuselage pieces that are set to hold it in case of a situation.

Thanks for bringing this up. I'll have to similarly update the Sterling Tanks config (to cost 0 when set to hold something else or nothing).

Also: The cost is going to go way up. By 8x (along with storage density by as much).

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The cargo ramps and deployment bay have been confirmed cured of their krakens. (The Avatar ramp's shielding doesn't want to work right now. Maybe it'll change its mind soon.)

Some new parts: Wrapper panels for J, K, KH.





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On 2/23/2024 at 4:53 PM, Sonk said:

Hey guys, so i seem to have some issues with OPT and RasterPropMonitor. Sadly, most of the beuatifully made cockpits are broken, meaning all the RPM-monitors are black eventhough they're supposed to be on, the panel lighting doesnt work etc. etc. I can press most of the buttons n stuff, and they seem to do their associated thing, but lighting and displays are completely borked. Anyone got similar issues and/or a way to fix this? Logs are here:


Any help is appreciated :D

I'm having the same issue. I was looking through the cfgs for the internals and through the part cfgs, and I'm not seeing anywhere a

        name = RasterPropMonitorComputer

Could that be what's keeping the IVAs from fully activating?

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New part

Supersonic ram air turbine, retractable. On request from a KSPIE user. Its purpose is to provide a very capable aux power source for spaceplanes or fast airliners where solar panels are a bad idea or when onboard nuclear power systems get very fussy.


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Hey I have a problem, if this has been solved please let me know. I want to use some OPT engines in space but when I equip Hydrolox, it has LH2 and Oxidiser, instead of LH2 and Liquid Oxygen, meaning I cannot use engines in space. Is this supposed to happen because I cannot find liquid oxygen anywhere, however I have found it digging through config files. How do I find Liquid oxygen or fix this issue? Im on KSP v1.12.5

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@MattST I take it that you need OPT tanks to hold LqdHydrogen + LqdOxygen? If so, I suggest you use Modular Fuel Tanks which causes tanks to choose their contents in response to the engine, or Configurable Containers which doesn't have that automation but (along with Modular Fuel Tanks) allows you to freely choose any resources, how many resources and what fractions you want.

If you want a means to gather LqdOxygen then try the "MISPLACED" intakes in Rational Resources Parts.

If you need OPT engines to use LqdHydrogen + LqdOxygen then I'm going to have to leave you hanging for a while.

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3 hours ago, JadeOfMaar said:

@MattST I take it that you need OPT tanks to hold LqdHydrogen + LqdOxygen? If so, I suggest you use Modular Fuel Tanks which causes tanks to choose their contents in response to the engine, or Configurable Containers which doesn't have that automation but (along with Modular Fuel Tanks) allows you to freely choose any resources, how many resources and what fractions you want.

If you want a means to gather LqdOxygen then try the "MISPLACED" intakes in Rational Resources Parts.

If you need OPT engines to use LqdHydrogen + LqdOxygen then I'm going to have to leave you hanging for a while.

Ah so they’re not supposed to do this?

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7 hours ago, JadeOfMaar said:

@MattST I take it that you need OPT tanks to hold LqdHydrogen + LqdOxygen? If so, I suggest you use Modular Fuel Tanks which causes tanks to choose their contents in response to the engine, or Configurable Containers which doesn't have that automation but (along with Modular Fuel Tanks) allows you to freely choose any resources, how many resources and what fractions you want.

If you want a means to gather LqdOxygen then try the "MISPLACED" intakes in Rational Resources Parts.

If you need OPT engines to use LqdHydrogen + LqdOxygen then I'm going to have to leave you hanging for a while.

Modular Fuel Tanks is for stock resources. Real Fuels is the one that handles LiquidHydrogen/LiquidOxygen and other assorted realistic propellants.

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