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BobCat Ind. - Colonization, exploring and research vehicle


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I am pleased to announce some future updates.

After a long time thinking about the concepts, data collection, I decided to make some changes to existing projects.

First. Im still working on HOME Gen2 pack. This need a lot work now...but still in WIP

Second. Im totaly relaunch DEMVs series.

Now we have 6 similar DEMVs. My first DEMV1 , big cargo DEMV2 , Experemental 2 wheel DEMV3EX , fast DEMV 4 and DROP platform, small "chekbox" DEMV5 , and non released DEMV6.

Its too much rovers ))) In next generation DEMV Gen 2 series content 3-4 rovers pack.

1. DEMV Mk1 . Symbiosis "old gold" DEMV1 and DEMV2. Little smaller DEMV2 but more modular. Now can attach special robocrane arm, living module , lab or inflatable living quartes.

2. DEMV Mk2 . Old RAT and DROP system (and also non released ADROP) in new models, texture and configs

3. DEMV Mk3 . Small deployable rover. Analog DEMV 5 but new features etc.

Now All rovers fits to new Jool V fairings and HOME2 dockports.

Third. Totaly remake JoolV Launcher and MPSS Nautilus

New models and texture for Jool and new parts for MPSS.

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Really excited about HOME Gen2! And I really enjoy the MPSS pack, so happy to hear its getting an overhaul.

Kinda sounds like if there was wasn't a demv for a job before there will be one now. The demv2 with crane sounds very useful to me =P

I'm sure its all going to be brilliant! Cant wait(figuratively)

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I am pleased to announce some future updates.

After a long time thinking about the concepts, data collection, I decided to make some changes to existing projects.

First. Im still working on HOME Gen2 pack. This need a lot work now...but still in WIP


Second. Im totaly relaunch DEMVs series.


Third. Totaly remake JoolV Launcher and MPSS Nautilus

Excellent, I look forward to your new developments! I'm particularly excited for HOME-2 and MPSS!

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So I asked this in the release thread earlier, and I still dont expect an answer unless Bobcat wants to provide one :). Is the new DEMV series going to continue using cleverbobcat.dll for propulsion or switch over to the newer wheel modules? I can understand if this hasn't been decided or if I missed it somewhere but im just curious. I don't have a big preference either way.

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With the second gen MPSS, will it have a cupola to view where you are going that will fit into the style associated with it?

The NASA design it's based on can't see where it's going :) You really don't want glass in the direction you are traveling in space that just increases the speed of collision.

Wait, am i the only one that isn't looking forward to the retexture?

Well seeing as I've only seen one of them so far, I can't really judge completely but the one I've seen I liked. I trust BobCat he does good looking stuff.

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