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Access Violation (0xc0000005)

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KSP: x64 Windows 10 64-bit

Problem: KSP crashes randomly once in a few hours. Last time it crashed while I was reading a description in the tech tree.

KSP never used to crash before I updated to 1.10

Two crashes in two days:


KSP_x64.exe caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005)
  in module KSP_x64.exe at 0033:00000000.

75% physical memory in use.


UnityPlayer.dll caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005)
  in module UnityPlayer.dll at 0033:f7193488.

59% physical memory in use.

What I tried:

  • reinstalling the newest GPU driver
  • installing an older driver
  • cleaning up driver profile
  • turning off XMP
  • turning off RTSS

CKAN Mods installed:

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Non-CKAN mods installed:

CollisionFX Beta 2.0

FuelTanksPlus patch v3

AudioMufflerRedux Beta 2.6.2

Sounds of Space 1.0

Reproduction steps:




Edited by Krzeszny
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Possibly a long shot, but:

  On 9/1/2020 at 3:49 PM, Krzeszny said:

C:\Program Files (x86)\RivaTuner Statistics Server\RTSSHooks64.dll


Has been known to crash KSP.
It's kinda old advice, but may still be relevant. The same goes for anything else that hooks the graphics stack.

Edited by steve_v
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  On 9/1/2020 at 4:07 PM, VoidSquid said:

Have a crash.dmp?


The crash.dmp's are in the linked folders.

  On 9/1/2020 at 4:20 PM, steve_v said:

Possibly a long shot, but:

Has been known to crash KSP.
It's kinda old advice, but may still be relevant. The same goes for anything else that hooks the graphics stack.


Good advice. Would changing the OSD rendering mode (Raster 3D by default) change anything, or is the only reliable solution disabling KSP in RTSS?

I'll experiment anyway.

Edited by Krzeszny
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  On 9/1/2020 at 6:00 PM, Krzeszny said:

is the only reliable solution disabling KSP in RTSS?


The only solution I would go near, at least for debugging purposes, is to disable RTSS altogether.
Once you know whether or not it's causing the problem, then you can try mitigating it.

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  On 9/1/2020 at 6:58 PM, VoidSquid said:

I'd like to check the crash.dmp before make any conclusions, however.  


I just got another crash.

nvwgf2umx.dll caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005)
  in module nvwgf2umx.dll at 0033:5c1042bf.

Before that, I increased the paging file to 24 GB initial - 32 GB max and disabled application detection for RTSS (but didn't exit RTSS). The thing is, I was multitasking with many tabs open this time (and only this time). I was also browsing the tech tree just like before the second crash.

All 3 crashes were with an XMP RAM profile enabled in UEFI. Tomorrow I'll see if it crashes with XMP disabled, as I suspect it to be a memory problem. Then I'll see if closing RTSS completely changes anything.

I added a third folder to the link in the OP, including a third crash.dmp 

This time it was the same graphics dll I reported some time ago. The last time it happened I downgraded the GPU driver and thought it solved the issue - KSP stopped crashing on returning to VAB after the driver downgrade.



Edited by Krzeszny
XMP mistake, also grammar
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Fortunately the crash.dmp is pretty clear this time:

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FAILURE_IMAGE_NAME:  nvwgf2umx.dll

So it's the graphic card driver then causing the issue, either by itself or some other software using it, like the Riva Tuner as mentioned earlier.

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  On 9/2/2020 at 5:34 AM, VoidSquid said:

Fortunately the crash.dmp is pretty clear this time:

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FAILURE_IMAGE_NAME:  nvwgf2umx.dll

So it's the graphic card driver then causing the issue, either by itself or some other software using it, like the Riva Tuner as mentioned earlier.


I got yet another crash with RTSS turned off. What else can I do?

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Assuming the crash.dmp will have the same result (I'd actually much prefer to debug that new crash.dmp than making assumptions), I think you should check everything related to the graphics card, from RTSS to say NVidia profiles, overlays (Steam, Teamspeak etc. coming to my mind), other tuning software, etc. 

I'm having a GTX 970 myself here too, never had any graphics related crashes (I'm still using Windows 7 though, not 10).

Your mod list is quite extensive like mine, crashes here do occur when KSP reaches 20 GB RAM after about 2 to 3 hours of playing (most often GC related), what is your RAM usage after "a few hours"?

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  On 9/2/2020 at 4:21 PM, VoidSquid said:

Assuming the crash.dmp will have the same result (I'd actually much prefer to debug that new crash.dmp than making assumptions), I think you should check everything related to the graphics card, from RTSS to say NVidia profiles, overlays (Steam, Teamspeak etc. coming to my mind), other tuning software, etc. 

I'm having a GTX 970 myself here too, never had any graphics related crashes (I'm still using Windows 7 though, not 10).

Your mod list is quite extensive like mine, crashes here do occur when KSP reaches 20 GB RAM after about 2 to 3 hours of playing (most often GC related), what is your RAM usage after "a few hours"?


I've just added a fourth folder with crash.dmp to the same link.

The error.log tells you RAM usage, doesn't it? Still, according to Process Explorer, Private Bytes RAM usage in the main menu is 16 GB and 17.4 GB in KSC (8.5 GB Working Set in KSC). The game crashes just after a few/dozen minutes in KSC.

I'll disable Steam overlay and perhaps Nvidia Share.

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Interesting...: this time it's another culprit as per the crash.dmp:

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FAILURE_IMAGE_NAME:  UnityPlayer.dll

As per my experience with KSP crash.dmp files, this one is probably due to an old mod and/or mod conflict.

The usual then, try to fine the mod causing this.

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  On 9/2/2020 at 5:06 PM, VoidSquid said:

FAILURE_IMAGE_NAME:  UnityPlayer.dll

As per my experience with KSP crash.dmp files, this one is probably due to an old mod and/or mod conflict.

The usual then, try to fine the mod causing this.


Not so fast. I turned off some background programs and it hasn't crashed for an hour so far.
What I turned off: RTSS (as previously), MSI Afterburner, Steam, Nvidia Share Instant Replay and ShareX.

I'll test it for a bit more and then double-check the culprit with and without mods.

EDIT: I'm a little bit concerned now. I wanted to work out which overlay program caused the crashing but I eventually launched KSP with all of them and it's not crashing!
The only mod updated at about the same time was Dynamic Battery Storage, but there's nothing about crashing in its changelog. No updates of anything I remember, either.

Edited by Krzeszny
It stopped crashing
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  • 3 years later...
  On 9/2/2020 at 6:52 PM, Krzeszny said:

Not so fast. I turned off some background programs and it hasn't crashed for an hour so far.
What I turned off: RTSS (as previously), MSI Afterburner, Steam, Nvidia Share Instant Replay and ShareX.

I'll test it for a bit more and then double-check the culprit with and without mods.

EDIT: I'm a little bit concerned now. I wanted to work out which overlay program caused the crashing but I eventually launched KSP with all of them and it's not crashing!
The only mod updated at about the same time was Dynamic Battery Storage, but there's nothing about crashing in its changelog. No updates of anything I remember, either.


No way, i had same problem, just reinstalled dynamic battery storage without even changing a version, and it's no longer crashes!

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