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Mod Community Base for 0.17


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Community Mod Bases 0.17

Welcome to the community base thread for Modded craft! Things are being changed up a bit to make things go faster and manage the addition of lots of new landing locations. Please read the rules!

1. All flights must be flown with the latest KSP build, Presently KSP 0.17, and all current required mods. If your computer can't handle the full set of mods, TheCardinal has offered to help build limited mod sets to let you still fly - PM me when your turn comes up.

2. All flights must be requested in advance, to be added to the upcoming flight Lists.

2a. There will be a separate list per planet (including its moons.) You can sign up on as many lists as you qualify for.

3. Turns last for 48 hours and start at the same time for all planets.

3a. If it's your turn for more than one planet and there's people waiting after you on them, you get moved down one spot on all but one of them. If you're up for more than one with no one waiting after you, all of those are open to you!

3b. Whichever one you haven't already had a turn on, or that it's been the longest since you had a turn on, will be the one you get to fly if there's someone waiting on all of them.

3c. If you'd like your turns put on hold for a while, let me know; we'll move you to "on hold" on any lists you're on and put you back in once you're able to fly again.

4. You can fly as many flights as you want during your turn, as long as they're all to the target planet or its moons. Craft/Debris left in interplanetary space and around other planets will get deleted unless you're deliberately creating an interplanetary station.

5. Land at existing bases with as many craft as you like per turn - but only start new ones if at least three players have craft at all of the existing ones (or there is no existing one.) I'll keep track of which Planets & Moons are eligible for a new base and mention it when I PM you that it's your turn.

6. If you create a station or landing site, name it!

7. Each person can add one mod on their turn, but doesn't have to. If you added one, post the name of the mod and a link to the forum thread for it in your after-flight post. Please try to avoid mods that are outdated (haven't been updated since before 0.16) or extremely large.

8. I'll send you a PM and post in the thread when it's your turn to go.

9. At the end of your flight please post your persistent.sfs file as well a screenshot from any base(s) you landed at, space stations you put in orbit, plus any other screenshots from your turn that you want!

10. Have Fun!

The goal is to build a set of Community Bases, where each player adds their own special something to the bases one at a time. It ends up being a glorious mess of player A's little lander because he has a slower system, player B's big fuel depot, player C's entire french cathedral made entirely out of wing parts, player D's rocket-propelled fighter plane, etc. When player E comes in for a landing he should be having to find a place to land among or just outside stuff added gradually over time by other players.

To request a turn, just reply in this thread saying 'Sign me up for a spot on the (planet-name) list". If it's one you haven't already had a turn at, post a screenshot proving you know how to get there. Feel free to request spots on more than one list.

Moho -



Eve -

Eve Base 1 founded by Luxmaster-CZ, 69° 28' 08" S 85° 05' 35" E

Others landed: khyron42


Gilly -

None yet.


Kerbin -

none yet.

Mun -

Mobile Munar Colony founded by khyron42, 70° 09' 27" S 51° 01' 59" E


Minmus -

Minmus Prime base founded by TheCardinal, 24° 57' 47" N 172° 36' 36" E



Duna -

Unnamed base founded by zekes, 17° 03' 20" N 85° 27'47" W

Others landed: Luxmaster-CZ


Ike -

none yet


Jool -


Laythe -

Crusoe Landing founded by khyron42, 08° 38' 23" S 48° 32' 49" W


Vall -

Necessity Base founded by khyron42, 72° 06' 42" N 126° 24' 54" W


Tylo -

none yet.

Bop -

none yet.

Turn 1:

Moho - no one

Eve/Gilly - Luxmaster-CZ

Kerbal/Mun/Minmus - TheCardinal

Duna/Ike - Zekes

Jool & Moons - khyron42

Turn 2:

Moho - no one

Eve/Gilly - khyron42

Kerbal/Mun/Minmus - TheCardinal

Duna/Ike - Luxmaster-CZ

Jool & Moons - hollie.socks (cancelled)

Turn 3:

Moho - no one

Eve/Gilly - no one

Kerbal/Mun/Minmus - khyron42

Duna/Ike - Nutt007 (cancelled)

Jool & Moons - KingJeb (never posted save file)

Turn 4:

No valid save files were submitted...

Moho - no one

Eve/Gilly - no one

Kerbal/Mun/Minmus - Mercaholic75 posted invalid save file (didn't work from the one created in the previous turn)

Duna/Ike - The Destroyer (never posted save file)

Jool & Moons - lcbrewer (never posted save file)

Current turn (ends on October 18 at 8 AM GMT)

Moho - no one

Eve/Gilly - no one

Kerbal/Mun/Minmus -no one

Duna/Ike - DArkB0mb3rz22

Jool & Moons - khyron42

Upcoming Turns:


no one scheduled


no one scheduled


no one scheduled






no one scheduled

Here's what you're expected to do when your turn comes around:

- make sure you have all the "currently required" mods installed.

- add one additional mod if you like.

- download the latest persistence file.

- to check that the mods are all installed, go to the tracking station. If you get any message about a vessel not being loaded because of missing parts, you're missing one of the previously used mods.

- make sure your craft doesn't use any parts other than the ones in those mods and the one you're adding. (The simplest way to do this is to use a separate install of KSP for the community flights, with only the appropriate mods installed.)

- Make whatever flights you like to your target planet or its moons for the next two days.

- Try to leave the base(s) in a condition where your craft won't roll away when the next guy lands there.

- Make a post in this thread with the persistence file as an attachment, a link to the forum thread for the mod you've added, and whatever screenshots you like (minimum one per base landed at, showing all craft landed there.)

DYJ's CrewTank 1.2

MechJeb 1.9.2

Tosh's Cart mod 1.34

Fixed Camera 1.1

AdamKSP transfer angle calculator 0.4 or newer

Mobile Spaceport 1.1


Rotating Anteni

If you are defining new landing sites on your turn, after landing I recommend that you submit it as a place name to the Kerbin Geographic Society thread over in KSP Fan Fiction.

The current persistence file for each planet is attached.

Edited by khyron42
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If anyone needs tips on how to make it to other planets or on how to design effective craft for this, there's a hugely useful tool at http://ksp.olex.biz/ for figuring out the best orbital positions for interplanetary burns.

The LV-N engine coupled with the largest stock fuel tank makes a great interplanetary stage; If you can get it plus the lander on a general trajectory towards the target planet, it can do any course corrections needed and can burn for something like 20 minutes without running out of fuel. That just leaves orbital mechanics to know which direction of burn will get you a orbital intersection!


The surface textures on Eve seemed off, it made for a very interesting landing. Luckily the intended area and where it actually ended up were both pretty flat. Also, the surface ate my engine.


I'm working on Jool in a bit, but I decided to try sending a larger lander to Duna first.

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Please sign me up for Minmus. I liked the spot of 0.16 and i intend to restart building a real base there.

Is it allowed to add more than one small mod in one go? I was thinking of adding the DEMV, Rotating Antenni and the Spaceport. (Respectively 1, 1 and 7 parts.)

Does "Make whatever flights you like" mean someone can place as many crafts as he likes on the target?

Edited by TheCardinal
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I'm signing up for both eve and duna at this point. Zekes, Saphira - waiting for qualification photos, I'll hold your spots for now. Zekes, my Eve had water, but the whole thing looked horribly off when I came in for a landing - I sank at least a meter into the ground, etc. I think the meshes are not quite right on several places.

TheCardinal - you'll actually be getting the "Kerbin/Mun/Minmus" slot. The rules are a little confusing, so to clarify...

Right now it looks like, if Zekes and Saphira get their qualifying photos in, starting tonight the upcoming turn will be:

Kerbin/Mun/Minmus - TheCardinal

Duna/Ike - Saphira

Eve/Gilly - Luxmaster-CZ

Jool & moons - no one this turn

Moho - no one this turn

That may change still, since I'm hoping to get qualified for Jool before tonight, and Zekes or Saphira may not post the qualifications.

So, based on the current rules, Each person could make one landing (starting the first base) on each of the bodies in their list if they wanted to. If people really wanted to put more than one craft down at a base, I can change rule 5 to allow any number of landers per base per turn. Three different people would still have to land at a base before starting a new one on the same planet/moon, though, to make people create group bases.

I think for this turn adding up to three small mods or one large one makes sense.

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The forum's still being a little flaky. No qualification photos yet from Saphira, I'm updating the list and will send out notices of the first turn starting soon.

Jool qualification:


I was on my way in to a landing on Laythe when I got a good flyby of Vall.

Signing up for Jool.

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Yeah, sorry about that Nutt. Given that turns will last 2 days, I didn't want any turns wasted because people didn't know how to get to the other planets yet. I think having multiple turns going simultaneously will help, though. Now that it's pretty obvious that most people can manage it, I may remove that limitation.

On the plus side, a turn can be multiple flights now, so that works out well. I'm also changing rule 5 to allow multiple landings.

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I signed up for both Duna and Eve, and I landed on both before noticing I was supposed to land on Eve only:D

So here are my photos

In attachment there are 2 persistent files. Eve is my proper save to be used in Community base. Eve and Duna is for anyone who want to see me landed on Duna:)

Btw, I have choosen special Kerbal to found Eve Base:)

PS: I think mods should allow uploading .sfs files here:)

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It seems like a lot of people aren't clear on this - you don't have to pick just one to sign up for, and you should ideally sign up for every planet that you'd want to visit. Then you're on the lists and will get a turn on them sooner, AND still get a turn on, say, Duna when your name comes to the top of the list for that one.

Also, Cart mod is already on the list, so, um... yeah, you're required to already have it installed when you take your turn.

Bioman, you only need to qualify once per list, and I may take that down to once ever. You don't have to qualify for Kerbin/Mun/Minmus, only for the other planets.

Edited by khyron42
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I'd like to sign up for a flight to one of Jool's moons. I'll post a picture of my qualification when I get home from school. Also, if there isn't a base on a moon at Jool, am I free to land on a that moon and set up my own base on that moon?

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KingJeb - yes, that's exactly what we want. At least one base per planet, then at least a few people making landings there, and then open second base on that planet, third base once that one's got a few people landed, etc.

I'm landing on Laythe and Vall. So whoever ends up next after me for Jool & Moons (looks like hollie.socks) could launch as many ships as they like to the moons - but should only land near my craft on those two, and pick one landing site on the other two to start their own base.

I'm travelling tonight and might be a little late closing out this turn and opening the new one. Also, does anyone know the general area of the Vall easter egg? I'd like to land near it and already have done several polar orbits looking for it.

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Landed on Minmus and founded Minmus Prime at the same location as in KSP 0.16 then landed some more buildings there (Cargo Platform, Passenger Platform and Space hotel). Still needs some sheds, a tank farm and some exploratory vehicles. (And as soon as someone creates some inflating habitats, them as well).

Please sign me up for a new flight (to Minmus).


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My travel is causing worse issues than I expected; editing the first post, figuring out who's signed up and qualified, and starting of the next turn will have to wait until I'm back at my normal computer tomorrow night. However, here's my Jool screenshots and saves (I finished the landing on a crappy laptop rather than just leave the Vall lander in orbit for the next turn.)

That gives everyone who's asked for a spot but not uploaded any screenshot of them successfully reaching the planet one more day to get those posted!

Vall: Necessity Base.


I decided to just go ahead and land in the northern part of the side facing Jool. The rover should be able to make it back to orbit in a pinch, maybe - those RCS boosters were made for the Mun, and low orbit around Vall told me it's considerably more massive.

Laythe: Crusoe Landing.


I'm on a sandy hilltop on one of the medium-sized islands.

Both of these bases were designed to be moved; if there's somewhere you'd rather pick on Vall or on the same island on Laythe, feel free to land there instead, and I'll drive my rover over to you on my next chance.

I'll sign myself up for another turn at Jool after everyone else who wants to go!

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