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Mod Community Base for 0.17


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Sorry for not explaning, but both of those are my reconfigured "rover pods", so they land on there side and deploy wheels. When i converted them to landers I forgot to change the retrothrusters on the side and they tipped and landed like that. I was lucky that i had the parashutes to save me. Ive repostioned the retrothrusters and the craft lands fine now. If needed i can repost a pic of a flat landing.

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Ill sign up for Duma and Laythe. I only have photos for duma atm, ill have to recommission the KSS Suicide to get me back there.


and laythe evidencebjcuar.png

Id say bad lick on landing, but twice?

You need to work on that design..... THe landing legs ARE shorter than the Nuclear engines.....

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Nutt, were you going to post a qualifying screenshot? ;) You can add whichever mod you like.

New turn starting now! The assignments -

Moho - no one

Eve/Gilly - khyron42

Kerbal/Mun/Minmus - TheCardinal

Duna/Ike - Luxmaster-CZ

Jool & Moons - hollie.socks

I'll also send a note to everyone that will be on next turn, but hasn't posted the pic yet.

Edited by khyron42
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Alright! So I landed on Duna today, in the base that "zekes" founded.

zekes: Your Jeb has friend now, Bill:)

It was very hard and I had to reload quicksave about 20 times, but I finally landed close enough to you:)

<iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="http://imgur.com/a/SgxhW/embed"></iframe>

And Persistent in attachment

Btw: I was founder of base on EVE, which is Unnamed now, so I'd like to name it to "Eve Base 1"

Edited by Luxmaster-CZ
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I would liek to add that It would be a good idea for everyone to post the mods that they are using to accomplish this... As I did not have two of the mods that were needed to load all of the Persistence file... I found them so no worries... Ill see what I can do with it to night and maybe sign up.

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In first post, there is list of mods you need to load those persistent files. If you click it, you will be redirected directly to download page.

Not quite, Luxmaster-CZ. I've noticed that two of the small mods i've added are not listed there (the DEMV and the Rotating Antenni, each consisting of just 1 part).

I'll PM Khyron about it.

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TheCardinal, when I loaded your save it didn't yell at me about the mods being needed, and I didn't see you post the links to the download threads for them so assumed you hadn't added them after all. Also, it looks like the craft you were using for headlights in the pic wasn't in the downloaded save - maybe that's why.

Everyone, please do read at least the "when your turn comes around" part of the OP. In the past I've dug up where the hell to download the mods people chose to add, but my job in managing this would be much easier if you would do as requested and post the link to the mod you've added when you upload your save file.

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TheCardinal, when I loaded your save it didn't yell at me about the mods being needed, and I didn't see you post the links to the download threads for them so assumed you hadn't added them after all. Also, it looks like the craft you were using for headlights in the pic wasn't in the downloaded save - maybe that's why.

Everyone, please do read at least the "when your turn comes around" part of the OP. In the past I've dug up where the hell to download the mods people chose to add, but my job in managing this would be much easier if you would do as requested and post the link to the mod you've added when you upload your save file.

First of all, my apologies for making life difficult for you, Khyron42. I should have posted the links. It won't happen again.

I didn't notice the DEMV disappearing because i've used my own savefile to continue expanding Minmus Prime (unsuccesful so far).

I will download your savefile and continue with that. I won't add the DEMV again, but it's newest brother DEMV mark 2 (and the Rotating Antenni).

At the end i will post the persistent WITH the links to both mods.

Edited by TheCardinal
naming error
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Time has gotten away from me (too much work, not enough play.)

With only TheCardinal's turn posted, what shall we do now? Give people until 3 AM tonight, or move on to the next turn?

My own flight is on its way to Eve where I saved it, but I literally fell asleep at the keyboard last night while it was doing a long, slow radial burn. I just barely woke up enough to shut down the throttle and save the game before going to bed; it still needs some more adjustment to hit Eve and then time-warping to land.

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Time has gotten away from me (too much work, not enough play.)


Something which happens with each of us more and more.

Except for my entry, it is as nothing has happened. Therefor it seems pointless to move on to the next turn. An extension of the launchwindow seems more appropriate to me in this case.

We all know that a mission to the other planets is more demanding and time consuming than a mission to Mun or Minmus. (I've had it easy.) Since no previous experience exists with flights to the other planets, it might be wise to extend the alotted time from 48 to 72 hours. At least for some or even all of the next turns. In a few turns, we can determine if 72 hours is helpfull or that it can be reduced or should be enlarged once again.

Edited by TheCardinal
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Thanks, KingJeb! I'll update the flight list to show you're good to go.

I'm sending a PM to all current-turn people that they have 24 more hours from now.

My own Eve flight met with disaster because the deep space stage's engine broke off when I came out of warp; I'll refly from scratch today!

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