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stars and statistics of the dead kerbonauts

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Dear developers, please add stars and statistics of the dead kerbonauts. I want to see where they've been in a long career.

Уважаемые разработчики, добавьте, пожалуйста, звезды и статистику для погибших кербонавтов. Я хочу видеть, где они были за долгую карьеру.

Edited by James Kerman
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18 minutes ago, Rig_Borin said:

Dear developers, please add stars and statistics of the dead kerbonauts. I want to see where they've been in a long career.

Уважаемые разработчики, добавьте, пожалуйста, звезды и статистику для погибших кербонавтов. Я хочу видеть, где они были за долгую карьеру.

White text on a white background. How so?

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1 hour ago, Caerfinon said:

There is a mod on CKAN that records and logs all activity. It might give you what you are looking for.



Thanks for the link. Ok, this is a mod. I know a few more mods like Final Frontier and Space Age. But I want the usual stars and statistics of the places visited of the dead kerbonauts. I think maybe a developer will release this in a stock game without mods.

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