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A New Type Of Game PVP


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It has occurred to me that the flaws of MMOs has much to do with rogue griefers who won't play fair.

I wonder how succesful an MMO would be if it was like PVE...except it it allowed players to BECOME different characters or spaceships from the original game plot.

Yes...unlike most MMOs I am talking of one based on a PVE game with a definte begnning and end.

The MMO players come merely to see how to shake up the plot more.

Also, there would always be a higher NPC anount of players, some of which could monitor and attempt to keep players from changing the plot too dramatically.


What do you think?

I think it would require a LOT of separate instancing. For example, in a Superman game MMO a lot of people may want to play as Luthor, but we cannot have 20 Luthors on an MMO instant scene.

So the servers would need to separate each instance of 'Luthor' so that each MMO instance only had ONE Luthor, Superman etc.

This prevents players from going too hogwild and makes the worls seem bigger.

Edited by Spacescifi
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i dont know where i read this but games are supposedly not engaging for most players if they cannot win at least 1/3 of  the time.  its why my mom refuses to play scrabble with me anymore, she just cant beat my vocabulary. she can still win like 1 in 10 games, but it got to the point where she would rather just do her sudoku instead. its probably why boomers (real boomers, not the xers that yzers call boomers) prefer games of chance over games of skill. they dont understand our new fangled videa games , but give them a deck of cards or some dominoes and they will never leave the kitchen table. the chance enables lower skilled players to compete with high skilled players, and win enough to stay interested.

i play a lot of mechwarrior online (which isnt really an mmo as i understand the genre though many consider it such), and they are currently in a state of crisis with its declining player population.  they have a huge problem with their highly skilled players (and there are a lot of them given the developer's attempts to foster e-sports) farming casuals. their recent inclusion of small teams into the primary game mode has caused a not insignificant number of players to quit all together.  the only thing keeping the game from collapsing at this point is covid as those under stay at home orders have nothing to do but play games. its kind of a shame because ive been building my mech collection for several years now and play at an above average level. all attempts to refactor match making have failed (the low population is usually blamed).

its a huge problem for which i dont think game developers have solved. and blatant manipulation of players into pre determined matches are not very game-like.  for games with large player counts things are less troublesome, just assign players of appropriate skill to the correct leagues and only play within those leagues.  but when you get into indie and niche games it becomes very difficult to maintain populations. 


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1 hour ago, Nuke said:

i dont know where i read this but games are supposedly not engaging for most players if they cannot win at least 1/3 of  the time.  its why my mom refuses to play scrabble with me anymore, she just cant beat my vocabulary. she can still win like 1 in 10 games, but it got to the point where she would rather just do her sudoku instead. its probably why boomers (real boomers, not the xers that yzers call boomers) prefer games of chance over games of skill. they dont understand our new fangled videa games , but give them a deck of cards or some dominoes and they will never leave the kitchen table. the chance enables lower skilled players to compete with high skilled players, and win enough to stay interested.

i play a lot of mechwarrior online (which isnt really an mmo as i understand the genre though many consider it such), and they are currently in a state of crisis with its declining player population.  they have a huge problem with their highly skilled players (and there are a lot of them given the developer's attempts to foster e-sports) farming casuals. their recent inclusion of small teams into the primary game mode has caused a not insignificant number of players to quit all together.  the only thing keeping the game from collapsing at this point is covid as those under stay at home orders have nothing to do but play games. its kind of a shame because ive been building my mech collection for several years now and play at an above average level. all attempts to refactor match making have failed (the low population is usually blamed).

its a huge problem for which i dont think game developers have solved. and blatant manipulation of players into pre determined matches are not very game-like.  for games with large player counts things are less troublesome, just assign players of appropriate skill to the correct leagues and only play within those leagues.  but when you get into indie and niche games it becomes very difficult to maintain populations. 



I read an even simpler solution for Elite Dangerous....make it so players can turn on or off their PVP transponders. If off, no one but NPC's can fire on them and they read as allies. If on...they are free game.

This won't prevent players from ramming...but I digress that if anyone cannot dodge that or see that coming, that is a serious lack of player skill.

Edited by Spacescifi
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