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Single Probe Launch 139m Gilly Flyby collecting all possible science


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hi, I did a single probe launch for a Gilly flyby mission, the hardest part was collecting all the possible science,
who knows gilly's conformation combined with its ridiculously low space border knows that isn't so easy as expected.
The "return to kerbin maneuver" needed fuel wasn't enough so I used all the 4/20 16Kg monopropellant too.



Vessel Info:




139m from the surface.



Video - Speed 4x:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/28vjli9ffjatd5k/KSP - Gilly Flyby.mkv?dl=0
Youtube: For a reason that I can't figure out, the video on YT video has lower quality than that on DB, especially in low light condition.


Before and After:


Science earned:



Edited by antipro
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