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The Island Airport SRB Ore Delivery Challenge

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This challenge is simple: Using only one SRB as your only source of propulsion, bring the most ore possible to the island airport. There will be leaderboards for each SRB.

You can tweak the thrust limiter however you want, and the vehicle can be a plane, rocket, or anything, as long as you use only a single SRB as the only thing providing thrust. All decouplers used must be tuned down to zero ejection force, etc. No glitch drives may be used. Anything using questionable mechanics like the numerous drag reduction exploits will be put into a separate leaderboard.

The Ore must reach a speed of zero meters per second, intact, on any part of the island airport anomaly to count. The craft you bring it there with does not need to land fully intact as long as the ore containers remain intact. The craft does not need to be piloted.

You can start from either the KSC runway or launch pad. Takeoff must be performed on one of these two and not from the surrounding areas, as to prevent people from rolling to the edge of the shore and starting from there.

Do not mine any ore or dock to another craft any time in the entire mission.

I won't be too strict on pictures, but post enough so that I can reasonably assume that the flight is legit. Make sure the resource panel shows.

Here is my example submission, a simple, unoptimized craft that uses one Hammer to take 300 units of ore to the island airport, starting from the KSC runway:



The thrust limiter is set to 50% to give me a longer burn.


Both canards broke on landing, but the 300 ore on board is intact! I had lots of margin to work with on this craft, I could probably squeeze 100-200 more ore out of it.


I will not be including leaderboards for the Sepratron, Mite, Launch Escape System, or FL-C1000 Fuel Tank (has a small SRB in the nose).  If someone manages to get any ore to the island airport with them, I will be very impressed. If you do, I will create a leaderboard for that engine. However, until then, they would be clutter.








  1. @Ultimate Steve with 300 units of ore in the Island Airport 300.











Good luck!

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