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Orbit Cheat kills thrusters, RCS & Attitude Control beyond Kerbin/Mun/Minmus?

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 I wanted to test a vehicle I'd built to land on Gilly before actually sending it there on a mission, so I used the Alt-F12 orbit cheat to get it there prior to landing. Once there I found that the RCS and attitude controls wouldn't function at all, despite there being plenty of electricity for the 3 Adv. Reaction Wheels, as well as monop for the RCS thruster blocks.  I couldn't even use the Twitch engines I had mounted on it (yes, plenty of fuel). The RCS blocks were all enabled. The attitude control and RCS would function when I clicked each of the NavBall presets (pro/retrgrade, radial in/out; norm/anti-norm), but not under manual control. 

I repeated the sequence several times: Alt-F12 to cheat into orbit, then the space bar to deploy the fairing, then activate the engines, T for SAS and R for RCS control. While in Kerbin, Mun, and Minmus orbit everything worked normally. But everything failed when I did this at Gilly, Eve and Duna. 

Is this a bug I see before me?   Or, is there a setting that I missed? 

Edited by maddog59
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1 hour ago, maddog59 said:

Is this a bug I see before me?   Or, is there a setting that I missed? 

Do you have CommNet enabled in difficulty settings?

Do you have enough signal strength out there? Maybe you have limited control over the probe.

If that's not the case can you try warping a bit and see if its fixed?


Effects of signal loss

Depending on your difficulty settings, several effects occur when the CommNet signal is lost, either from the KSC or a probe control point. This could be due to either electricty loss, out of CommNet range, or an antenna destruction. There is also a setting where you can force the signal to blackout when entering a body's atmosphere too fast.

  • Manned without a pilot: You will lose the ability to create maneuver nodes, or delete existing ones
  • Probe, require control unchecked: Your probe will lose three capabilities : rotation control (roll, yaw, pitch), precise thrust control (only 0 or maximum), and the ability to create or remove maneuver nodes. If your probe is capable of locking a maneuver axis through SAS, it is advised to create a maneuver node before transmission blackout (passing behind a body) to allow the ship to perform the maneuver.
  • Probe, require control checked: You will completely lose control of your probe. Either wait for it to go back to a CommNet range, or send a ship with a probe control point capability to do general maneuvers (deploy solar panels, precise control,...).

SAS isn't transmitted by the KSC or a probe control point. If you cannot SAS, either look if your probe is controllable (batteries, CommNet range) or has a pilot onboard. The level of SAS depends on the ship itself (probe SAS levels or pilot level).


Edited by Boyster
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