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I would like to use the KSP 1.0 cursor as my default windows cursor.


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pretty much the title. I would like to use the KSP 1.0 cursor as my default windows cursor but i cant seem to find it in any of the game folders, I've tried taking screenshots and cutting out the cursor but it always looks like excrements. if anyone would like to help it would be greatly appreciated!


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7 hours ago, antipro said:

the best I could do, on the spot, editing your image and converting it to .cur format:
PNG: cursor%20edit.png?dl=1
.CUR: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qnzd0n66ek5t4xy/cursor-edit.cur?dl=0

after a ton of work in photoshop ive finally got a decent few cutouts of the cursor!


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