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KSP running really slow

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I have no mods whatsoever, yet KSP runs really slow. While playing the game, I can see my CPU usage is only about 20-30%, but my GPU usage is at 100%, and only ever drops down to about 60% in the map screen. The lag also stops in the map screen and mission timer turns green.  When not in map screen the mission timer is also almost always yellow. Running 4x physical time warp, the mission timer is still green, again, provided if I am in map screen. 

Something that I find really interesting, is that sometimes, I don't run into any problems at all. Even with some of my larger craft, about 140 parts, KSP runs really well. 

So ya, any suggestions on how to make KSP run faster and consistently?


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KSP uses GPU more than CPU, so that's the problem.

Even though you have an i9 processor, but your GPU is the UHD Graphics 620, it'll work not as smooth as intended.

That's the case for me. My laptop is stronger than the 3 laptops in my house, but KSP doesn't operate smoothly, because of my GPU.

SOLUTION: Try to replace that GPU for smoother graphics.

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21 minutes ago, Helvica_Ring_Scientist said:

KSP uses GPU more than CPU

No, the opposite is true. KSP runs single threaded and needs a high CPU clock foremost. Next in order of importance is RAM, GPU is least important.

I suggest you post your question in this thread @User_1234:



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I'm not saying GPU is not important, but CPU clock and RAM are more important. GPU becomes pretty important when you're using graphical mods, like scatterer, EVE, SVE, AVP, Spectra etc.

My old 4790K CPU can handle KSP very good because it runs with 4 GHz, probably better than more modern CPUs with less than 3 GHz. Number of cores is mostly unimportant because, as said earlier, KSP runs single threaded.

Even on my PC at work KSP runs fine, 6700K @ 4.2 GHz, with just a relatively cheap GTX 1050.

Depending on how many and in particular what mods, KSP needs a lot RAM, my game starts with 12 GB and within 1-2 hours eats up to 20 GB RAM.

Playing without any mods, KSP would be fine with 4-6 GB RAM.

Edited by VoidSquid
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If the game is running slowly it’s usually due to the processor- the physics calculations run on one thread on one processor core so multi-core, multi-threading processors don’t offer any benefits and in fact can be worse than a processor with fewer cores/threads but a faster clock speed. RAM is also an important factor and the more mods you want to use, especially mods with lots of parts and doubly so for parts with detailed interior views/IVAs, the more RAM you’ll need.

Stock KSP can run on as little as 4GB total but ideally you’d want to have 4GB free on top of background processes for it to run smoothly, and a heavily modded game can use much more- the most I’ve ever seen KSP using is about 17GB when running RP-1/RO/RSS which is pretty memory-intensive, but before I upgraded my PC from 16GB RAM to 32GB other modded versions would regularly use up almost all of the 14GB or so that wasn’t used by background processes.

You can sometimes improve the game’s performance by turning down (or off) some of the options e.g. terrain scatters, texture quality and patched conics; aerodynamic and reflection effects seem to be big performance reducers as the aero effects need to have physics calculated for them and reflections need a lot of computing especially at higher resolutions. An integrated graphics card should handle stock KSP with reasonable graphics settings, but if you want the highest resolution everything and all the special effects like clouds, detailed water reflections and accurate reflections from your vessel parts then you’ll need a dedicated graphics card to run those mods.

Other little tricks that can help your performance include hiding all the Kerbal portraits in the bottom right of the screen, flying a less efficient steeper ascent which reduces the time you spend in the atmosphere and so reduces the aero effects, using fewer parts whenever possible to reduce the physics calculations required and turning the terrain detail setting down- this is not the same thing as the terrain texture setting- though this does pose a significant risk to anything you’ve already landed as it changes the shape of the terrain itself and can put your existing landers/rovers underground when you load them again and they immediately explode.

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