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Fair enough, its a game not a true-to-life simulator (although it as elements of a simulator).

Unlike other games, there is a broad depth of different areas it can engage you in. Fair enough if you try one of these areas and don't like it or get frustrated by it. I spent ages playing before I got into "docking" and now I like it. Previously, my few attempts were a bit random. Its one of those things which you need a VERY methodical approach, otherwise it will quickly go bad.

Similarly, landing (on another body) is somewhat elusive until you "have the knack" of it. Not helped by the limited controls and equipment you start with - but then that's a good simulation of the early days of space exploration so its fun and a challenge.

I don't think its my place to tell another forum member what to do, all I can do is relate to my own experience in playing KSP, it has kept me engaged far longer than the average game and is quite challenging to succeed in all aspects.

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7 hours ago, king of nowhere said:

except, they do have trouble.

astronaut jetpack isn't hard to use. use it to get near a crew pod entrance, they can grab the ladder (there will be a "F: grab" sign popping on your monitor, or something similar). then you grab the ladder, and then they enter in a pod. if you have the accuracy to get your astronauts into a tube, then you also have the accuracy to make them grab a ladder.

you can add many more ladders to your rescue vehicle to make things easier. my early rescue vehicle, before i learned to use the jetpack well, was positively covered with them. i just had to send my astronaut in contact with it, and he would find something to grab

well yes going into the tube is just opening a hatch

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well yes i ain't skipping stuff, tubes are actually meant to put a lot of batteries while the other side is an entrance. Would you rather risk your kerbal to death and waste a lot of monoprop to get back or put them inside a temporary battery bay. I know it's dangerous to put them into tubes as they might glitch out or at least for now but then it's definitely  safer then letting your kerbal float away


1 minute ago, James M said:

You had a hatch on your tube? How'd you manage that? xD Hinges and metal plates? 

it's a crew cabin

the pilot only sits in the command pod, the rest stay inside the cabins, cabins have hatches on their ends and i covered the hatch with a tube so kerbals would get in there

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They don't float away (that much). I had a situation today where I did a 3 Kerbal rescue with a 3-crew vehicle (and only one hatch), because of the order I'd picked them up I needed to leave a Kerbal "floating away" while putting another into the vehicle. He drifted 10-20m at most, and was a non-issue to get back in. Once you're more familiar with the keyboard controls for RCS jetpack and [ ]  to switch between Kerbals/vessels it becomes much easier and quicker.

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Just now, paul_c said:

They don't float away (that much). I had a situation today where I did a 3 Kerbal rescue with a 3-crew vehicle (and only one hatch), because of the order I'd picked them up I needed to leave a Kerbal "floating away" while putting another into the vehicle. He drifted 10-20m at most, and was a non-issue to get back in. Once you're more familiar with the keyboard controls for RCS jetpack and [ ]  to switch between Kerbals/vessels it becomes much easier and quicker.

i know but since there is already a tube while bother doing it?

Plus, when i do swapies i only swap the ones in the cpod and the ones in the kabin

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Just now, paul_c said:

I used the Z200 battery. Yours probably had more battery capacity than mine (I am guessing you used a bunch of Z100s or Z400s?), but for the mission I was doing, the battery was enough and didn't run out. So no tube needed nor present.

i used the z-100, because it is the cheapest per unit

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21 minutes ago, Anonymous49 said:

well yes i ain't skipping stuff, tubes are actually meant to put a lot of batteries while the other side is an entrance. Would you rather risk your kerbal to death and waste a lot of monoprop to get back or put them inside a temporary battery bay. I know it's dangerous to put them into tubes as they might glitch out or at least for now but then it's definitely  safer then letting your kerbal float away


it's a crew cabin

the pilot only sits in the command pod, the rest stay inside the cabins, cabins have hatches on their ends and i covered the hatch with a tube so kerbals would get in there

wait a moment, i don't understand.

you have a crew cabin. and a tube attached to it.

and you put your crew inside the tube temporarily.

why not just put them into the crew cabins directly? as they are in the tube, you'd only have to press B to enter. wait, unless you picked that kerbonaut dispersed in orbit and didn't have room in the crew cabins... but in that case you still need to send another ship to get him, so it's either rendez-vous with the tube-ship, or with the free kerbonaut, and you gain nothing.

what am i missing? what are you gaining by putting those kerbals in the tube and not have them just board the cabins?

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21 minutes ago, king of nowhere said:

wait a moment, i don't understand.

you have a crew cabin. and a tube attached to it.

and you put your crew inside the tube temporarily.

why not just put them into the crew cabins directly? as they are in the tube, you'd only have to press B to enter. wait, unless you picked that kerbonaut dispersed in orbit and didn't have room in the crew cabins... but in that case you still need to send another ship to get him, so it's either rendez-vous with the tube-ship, or with the free kerbonaut, and you gain nothing.

what am i missing? what are you gaining by putting those kerbals in the tube and not have them just board the cabins?

He was using the tube as a placeholder location to hold a kerbal so he could swap two kerbals between a command pod and a crew cabin. 

Ex. You have a Mk1 command pod on top of a crew cabin and a total of three kerbals thus all seats are filled. How do you swap a kerbal from the crew cabin into the pod and visa-versa? "Swapsies". He gets a kerbal out of the cabin and puts them in a tube with a lid lol then transfers the kerbal from the pod into the cabin. After this he transfers the kerbal he wants from the cabin into the pod then returns the tubed kerbal to the cabin. 

53 minutes ago, Anonymous49 said:

well yes i ain't skipping stuff, tubes are actually meant to put a lot of batteries while the other side is an entrance. Would you rather risk your kerbal to death and waste a lot of monoprop to get back or put them inside a temporary battery bay. I know it's dangerous to put them into tubes as they might glitch out or at least for now but then it's definitely  safer then letting your kerbal float away

Perhaps it would behoove you to add excess crew capacity? Also, I'm not sure if you knew this, but when a kerbal gets inside a crew pod/cabin, their rcs monoprop for their jetpack gets refilled. Monoprop in the ship however is limited (As it should be). The nice thing is though that kerbals use separate monoprop than the ship's so you don't have to worry about them draining the ship empty after flying around with your jetpack xD 

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Is this the "tube"? 


That's 100kg, to contain some batteries for a mission that doesn't need much electrical demand (and adds a bunch of length to the vehicle too). Unless its some kind of dual purpose mission I am not understanding. I have never found a use for that part. If I need batteries, I stick them on the outside and suck up the drag, or use the cylindrical ones and accept the length it adds.

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1 hour ago, king of nowhere said:

wait a moment, i don't understand.

you have a crew cabin. and a tube attached to it.

and you put your crew inside the tube temporarily.

why not just put them into the crew cabins directly? as they are in the tube, you'd only have to press B to enter. wait, unless you picked that kerbonaut dispersed in orbit and didn't have room in the crew cabins... but in that case you still need to send another ship to get him, so it's either rendez-vous with the tube-ship, or with the free kerbonaut, and you gain nothing.

what am i missing? what are you gaining by putting those kerbals in the tube and not have them just board the cabins?

both pod and crew cabins are FILLED

33 minutes ago, paul_c said:

Is this the "tube"? 


That's 100kg, to contain some batteries for a mission that doesn't need much electrical demand (and adds a bunch of length to the vehicle too). Unless its some kind of dual purpose mission I am not understanding. I have never found a use for that part. If I need batteries, I stick them on the outside and suck up the drag, or use the cylindrical ones and accept the length it adds.

no not this, i used the t-12 one. From what I know, this tube is used for kerbals to play  hide and seek IN SPACE

42 minutes ago, James M said:

He was using the tube as a placeholder location to hold a kerbal so he could swap two kerbals between a command pod and a crew cabin. 

Ex. You have a Mk1 command pod on top of a crew cabin and a total of three kerbals thus all seats are filled. How do you swap a kerbal from the crew cabin into the pod and visa-versa? "Swapsies". He gets a kerbal out of the cabin and puts them in a tube with a lid lol then transfers the kerbal from the pod into the cabin. After this he transfers the kerbal he wants from the cabin into the pod then returns the tubed kerbal to the cabin. 

Perhaps it would behoove you to add excess crew capacity? Also, I'm not sure if you knew this, but when a kerbal gets inside a crew pod/cabin, their rcs monoprop for their jetpack gets refilled. Monoprop in the ship however is limited (As it should be). The nice thing is though that kerbals use separate monoprop than the ship's so you don't have to worry about them draining the ship empty after flying around with your jetpack xD 

i know that, but i waste a lot of monoprop by just a dumb 5m. That used 4.8 monoprop, 10 means 9.6

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now, i am more interested in building a space shuttle that would help give enough data i need before i deploy mun base

Just now, paul_c said:

I'm lost. I don't know what a T-12 is. Just for clarity:

1. What contract(s) are you doing?
2. What are the main parts of the vehicle you've designed, to fulfil this contract?

i made a station was actually because i want a place for kerbals to live in space, the t-12 is a structural tube is a structural tube, find it in the structural menu

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19 minutes ago, Anonymous49 said:

both pod and crew cabins are FILLED

no not this, i used the t-12 one. From what I know, this tube is used for kerbals to play  hide and seek IN SPACE

i know that, but i waste a lot of monoprop by just a dumb 5m. That used 4.8 monoprop, 10 means 9.6

Haha I was explaining what you were doing to the confused people. I understand what you were doing xD

52 minutes ago, paul_c said:

Is this the "tube"? 


That's 100kg, to contain some batteries for a mission that doesn't need much electrical demand (and adds a bunch of length to the vehicle too). Unless its some kind of dual purpose mission I am not understanding. I have never found a use for that part. If I need batteries, I stick them on the outside and suck up the drag, or use the cylindrical ones and accept the length it adds.

He was trying to use it for a battery holder/ladder/temporary airlock. 

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i was building a space shuttle (I call it explorer 1b cause it is a next generation of my heavy launch explorer 1, launches less payload but was meant to deploy 20 cubesats a time).

Flight Status:

Maiden Flight: 3 main engines failed to ignite, RCS failed to ignite, the high thrust from the boosters tipped Explorer over and crashes, Jeb died.

Second Flight: Boosters was all good and successfully seperated, but a few minutes after that the external tank and shuttle spun, Jeb EVA'd and parachuted to safety while the external tank and the empty shuttle continue to flip before crashing down violently on the ocean

Third Flight: During the investigation of the second flight, the boosters were taking away to inspect the remaining. I still don't know what was wrong. But then after the boosters burned up, the decoupler flew away without  the boosters. boosters failed to jettison and Jeb parachuted while the remaining fell down into the ocean

Fourth Flight: Extreme Success, Jeb successfully arrived into LKO

Fifth Flight: Carried 20 ~5000 dollar "Cubesat 2". Shortly after liftoff, the rocket turned over and crashed due to the weight in the shuttle, RCS failed to ignite, Jeb died.

Sixth Flight: Almost Liftoff

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Your problem is two-fold.

1) Drag is mostly at the back, which is good, but there wont be enough after staging the boosters because

2) The load becomes completely uneven after booster separation and flips the vehicle. This is VERY COMMON with all shuttles and usually is compensated by high gimbal engines. (The more rotational torque you place at a longer length, the more force will be applied. AKA using your engines as levers.) The only other alternative that I know of are canards by the front cockpit, but that really only will help on descent to keep the nose up. 

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