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Help Request for making a UI

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I've been following the UI Creation Tutorial here on the forum and I'm stuck on the "Exporting the Asset Bundle" section. I really do not understand what they are talking about.


Exporting the Asset Bundle:

To load anything into KSP we’ll need to actually export all of our prefabs as an AssetBundle using the Asset Compiler from the KSP Part Tools. The method for this is similar to that described in the KSPedia tutorial, just without the KSPedia Database steps.

  • Drag any prefabs into the Assets folder in your Project Window (this would be the Panel that we added to the Canvas at the start for our window)
  • Set the AssetBundle name in the Properties Panel in the lower right
  • Then open or go to the Asset Compiler window -> Create (for your bundle) -> Update -> Build
  • This will export a file into the AssetBundles folder in your Unity Project, it should have the .ksp file extension

Are there any video tutorials for this? I'm a very visual learner and this section literally makes no sense to me. I do not know where the Asset Compiler Window is, I do not know what they mean by prefabs, and I don't have any clue what they mean by the second bullet point.

Any help is appreciated, please help!

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Probably too late replying but you might want to try using Fengist's tutorial instead, it's a little newer and has pictures.

But just to let you know, I found your post because I was looking for help with an error I was getting when trying to do my assestsbundle build, so if you get the same error you can read my post and hopefully it will help.


Edited by Coyote21
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