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Eva Chutes for KSP2

Sky Kerman

Should Eva Chute exsit is KSP2  

27 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Eva Chute exsit is KSP2

    • YES! They Are super inportent and would help in missions!
    • It would be cool to have them but there not inportent.
    • idk lol
    • NO! You dont need them and there not inportent.

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I dunno about you but I feel that cargo logistics should be mostly optional. For example, while I love the idea of Konstruction that 1.11 added, it also brought forth the issue of managing what items kerbals were bringing along as cargo and their exact weight (such as parachutes). While this isn't such a big deal really, to newer players it might be overwhelming to think about. The best solution in my opinion? Parachutes for kerbals if nothing else should be mandatory. Yes I realize you might have a mun base and the kerbals will never use it there, but on the off chance you're screaming through some other celestial body's atmosphere with your ship quickly falling apart, and desperately want your kerbal to survive, a parachute might just be your last and best option. 

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I've had a 6-kerbal crew have to bail out of a the remains of a spaceplane that suffered a catastrophic engine explosion while climbing through 6000m, so I'm all for keeping the parachutes.   And hoping someone will make a part failure mod for KSP2, cause it sure keeps things interesting....


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On 1/21/2021 at 10:23 PM, pandaman said:

But  I think it should always be an option to choose whether or not you take them .

It'd be nice to have some quick defaults for a specific craft, because having to go through and manually edit each member of the crew is a bit of a drag. But otherwise, I like the system we have in KSP latest, where both parachute and EVA pack are optional equipment, and you can chose to bring  extra propellant, repair packs, or some other hardware instead. So hopefully, Intercept is paying attention to KSP updates.

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13 hours ago, K^2 said:

It'd be nice to have some quick defaults for a specific craft, because having to go through and manually edit each member of the crew is a bit of a drag. But otherwise, I like the system we have in KSP latest, where both parachute and EVA pack are optional equipment, and you can chose to bring  extra propellant, repair packs, or some other hardware instead. So hopefully, Intercept is paying attention to KSP updates.

Yes, ^^.  This sums up my thoughts very well.  

I know that the system is new to us, and therefore we haven't neccesarily got into the habit of checking before we launch yet.  But being able to 'configure' the default crew load out (maybe even as far as defining crew types (how many Pilots, Engineers, Scientists etc.) not just the kit they each carry, as part of the 'design' is a nice idea.

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