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Cannot seem to transfer my Kerbals

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In my hitchhiker containment unit I can’t transfer the kerbals. The container is full and I have a lab with an empty slip below it. But I can’t transfer any crew to that lab because when I right click the containment unit and scroll down and hit transfer, the list of kerbals is below and out of my screen. (Can’t Eva because hatches are blocked that’s why I wanna transfer in first place)(also I’m on minimus if that means anything. And I have no mods)

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Not sure what’s going on, but here’s an alternate way to initiate a transfer-  Left-click on the hatch of the Hitch Hiker container, when the ‘Crew Hatch’ message appears.  You should see the option to Eva or Transfer the Kerbals.

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On 2/9/2021 at 10:14 PM, Yepers said:

In my hitchhiker containment unit I can’t transfer the kerbals. The container is full and I have a lab with an empty slip below it. But I can’t transfer any crew to that lab because when I right click the containment unit and scroll down and hit transfer, the list of kerbals is below and out of my screen. (Can’t Eva because hatches are blocked that’s why I wanna transfer in first place)(also I’m on minimus if that means anything. And I have no mods)

If you move the right click window top of the screen and then hit transfer does it help?

Maybe reduce a bit the UI scale in General Settings?

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12 hours ago, Boyster said:

If you move the right click window top of the screen and then hit transfer does it help?

Maybe reduce a bit the UI scale in General Settings?

Had the same problem, and no, moving the window to the top isn't enough even with UI at 80.

However I could reach the first crew member so I could fiddle them around until the correct one was on top.

I had totally forgot that I could have clicked on the hatch instead, which would have saved me some juggling with Kerbals.

But if I understand OP right there was no uncovered hatch, which makes things worse.

Anyway, the windows obviously need scrollbar or collapsible cargo areas,


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