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Is there a mod / way to see a list of experiments a particular craft is carrying?

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As I've been progressing through my current career, I've found more than once that I've needed to re-run a mission for a contract because I've gotten my craft all the way to the target location only to find that I'd forgotten to put one experiment on to fulfill the contract objectives. Is there a mod or perhaps a vanilla mechanism to see a list of the experiments that a craft has already on board before committing to launch? I've tried a few times just going through each part and checking to make sure I've got the necessary parts, but several of the mods I'm using place experiments inside of non-science parts (i.e. I use Bluedog and only just today realized that the mod includes a set of solar panels which have RPWS experiments embedded in them...) which can lead to confusing mix-ups. Anyway, any help would be appreciated.


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6 hours ago, Blaarkies said:

Maybe this? It has different "modes" to show the science you can currently collect, that might help to show a list of science experiments that could be run on the craft.


Hmm, I'll check it out. Thanks

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