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Cheapest cost to orbit

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Hello, everyone!

I have been wondering, what's the cheapest thing, that can go to orbit. I have tried a few designs myself, but I want to compare them to others.

The challenge is to spend the least funds to go to LKO (low kerbin orbit). It must be at least a bit over 70 km on periapsis. Recovering parts doesn't count. I would like the vesels to be from 1.11, but other versions are accepted.

There will be two main ctegories: modded and stock. 


1. 690 by Dvader

2. 1171 by camacju





1. 310 by Jokpau Gaming

2. 1137 by jimmymcgoochie




You need to post a picture of your craft in VAB/SPH, in flight and in orbit with periapsis shown. Craft files would be appreciated too!

No cheats, of course.

I will edit this post to add winners and explain something, if it's not clear yet. Good luck!

Edited by Jokpau Gaming
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I'll kick this challenge off with a 1171 fund rocket.




Pre-tilted Hammer booster for first stage


First stage is hot decoupled and second Flea stage boosts to suborbital trajectory


Jetpack finishes orbital insertion


I didn't even need the extra fuel cylinder

Edit: The Flea booster is too inefficient for this challenge. You could get significantly better performance, for lower cost, with a Shrimp or Mite booster instead. The Flea stage has 1347 m/s of delta-v, but swapping the 200 fund Flea out for a 150 fund Shrimp gets 2156 m/s of delta-v for 675 kg less mass, and swapping it out for a 75 fund Mite gets 1495 m/s for 1125 kg less mass.

Second edit: I wasn't accounting for the mass of a fully loaded kerbal. Now the Shrimp gets 1787 m/s compared to the Flea's 1213 and the Mite's 1136.

Edited by camacju
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  • 1 month later...

A bit late, but here's my entry in the modded section:

Cheapo 1, 1137 funds to orbit. Two mod parts, both from Restock+: Oscar-D fuel tank (4x Oscar-B) and 0.625m fairing.


The whole rocket is tilted a few degrees east so that it will fly a ballistic gravity turn; due to a complete lack of guidance on this stage, this often resulted in serious deviations from the desired trajectory, often ending up horizontal after 30 seconds of flight- going east or west! It didn't help that Jeb decided not to wear his helmet and so had to put it on every single time I launched.


Once the Shrimp SRB burnt out, the Spark LF engine took over. A combination of engine gimbal and aero stability from the fairing helped keep it on track.

I was a bit too busy trying to fly the thing to get any more screenshots, but Jeb made it to orbit with propellant to spare:


There were some, um, interesting side-effects of repeated reverts- sometimes it would load in as this:


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  • 2 months later...

I'm very late to the challenge but here's a stock craft for only 690 pesos. The fuel flow priority is higher in the lower tanks to give some stability during ascent. It requires a bit steeper ascent to get out of the thick atmosphere before the tanks get too empty and the center of mass shifts  toward the back causing it to tip over.  I noticed you can actually use SAS in the sandbox even though the Stayputnik should not provide it. I chose not to use it  since it felt like cheating.



I kept the engine running at a minimum during coasting to keep it controllable.


There's 200 m/s left with Pe 91km and Ap 427 km.



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  • 2 weeks later...
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