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Using thrust limiters on a vtol

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I've made a few vtol jets on console, but usually when I do that I have the jet engines swivel either side of the com so I don't need to play with the thrust limiter. However, I've been trying to make a vtol with a similar design to the f35b, and I need to lower the thrust of the rear engine in order to make sure the cot is below the com. However when I go from vtol to normal flight i have to manually click on the engine and change the thrust limiter back to 100%. Is there any workaround to this? It's really frustrating and I'm not sure why thrust limit doesn't appear on the kal-1000

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7 hours ago, BillGibbo said:

It's really frustrating and I'm not sure why thrust limit doesn't appear on the kal-1000

Well, I can answer this question. There used to be an exploit where a player could set the thrust on the KAL to go straight down, and say, have 1,000,000 kn of negative thrust from an upside-down terrier at Eve sea level without wasting a drop of fuel. While I haven’t  messed with KALs before 1.10/Patch 7, I assume it was fixed then.

Edit: Here’s a link to a video of Danny2462 exploiting it:


Edited by Wizard Kerbal
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