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when I'm smarter ksp parody of when I'm older from frozen 2


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What was that? Jedediah?
This will all make sense when I am smarter
Someday I will see rockets makes sense
One day when I'm smart and wise
I'll think back and realize
That these were all completely confusing events
I'll have all the answers when I'm more kerbal
Like why we're in this dark enchanted space
I know in a couple years
These will seems like bobs fears
And so I know this isn't good, it's bad
Excuse me
Growing up means adapting
Puzzling at your world and your place
When I'm more smart
I'll go to the mun
Being watched by something
With a creepy, creepy sound
Ahhhhh! Ahhhhh!
See, that will all make sense when I am smarter
So there's no need to be terrified or tense
I'll just dream about a time
When I'm in my space of prime
'Cause when you're smart
Absolutely everything makes sense
This is not fine
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