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Astronaut Complex shows no kerbals

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When i enter the astronaut complex there are no applicants, no available kerbals, no assigned kerbals and no lost kerbals. But it says "Active crew: 10 [Max 12]" despite having no active crew right now. Next hire is also 0,000,000.

Any help is appreciated .

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Sounds like a corrupt save maybe? Try adding one from Alt-F12 cheat menu see if it accepts it but i think you may end up having to create a new game unfortunately.

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13 hours ago, ... said:

Any help is appreciated .

This particular case happened in one of my career games.

If you recently had a mod that added new occupations (Civilian Populations, USI Kolonization, etc.) and then removed that mod, any kerbals with those traits would remain in your roster, but since the definition of those traits no longer exists, the Astronaut Complex fails on trying to build a list of kerbals, some of whom,  have occupations that do not exist anymore.

The only fix for this is to edit the roster section of your game's persistent.sfs file and either delete the kerbals with the "removed" occupations, or change their occupation to one that still exists.

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10 hours ago, FruitGoose said:

Sounds like a corrupt save maybe? Try adding one from Alt-F12 cheat menu see if it accepts it but i think you may end up having to create a new game unfortunately.

Nope, doesn't work, nothing happens when i add a kerbal, random name generator also doesn't work. 

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If you recently had a mod that added new occupations (Civilian Populations, USI Kolonization, etc.) and then removed that mod, any kerbals with those traits would remain in your roster, but since the definition of those traits no longer exists, the Astronaut Complex fails on trying to build a list of kerbals, some of whom,  have occupations that do not exist anymore.

Mechjeb is the only mod i've had installed, so i doubt thats it.

But I had previously hired 3 crew members, so i just changed their state back to available from dead, so i got 3 more than before.

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On 4/25/2021 at 11:53 AM, Curveball Anders said:

The fantasmagoric KML might be a solution to try.

It not only allows a more reasonable way to edit save files, it can also auto-repair broken ones.

Just remember to take a backup of any files you  fiddle with.

Using KML seems to solve the problem somewhat, whenever i need more kerbals i just copy some existing ones and change a few things, thanks!

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