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Young Star Systems


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I was just rewatching the KSP2 dev story trailer, and got to the part where Joel Green is describing some of the questions the devs have been asking, including the meeting  where Nate talks about a certain recent high speed oblique collision, and the effects it would have on the planets in that system. They then go on to have a bit of epiphany about the notion that a young star system  might be full of ringed planets, and that this is something that has never been explored in popular media. As the scene cut to black, I couldn't help but start thinking that one of the systems we will be able to travel too is going to be young. What's that going to mean? I grant that, fueled by my excitement for KSP2, I could be reading into these connections way too much. But by the same token, the idea that the age of a system is something that could affect its composition is not something that had ever dawned on me, and now I can't help but start thinking of all the different effects this could have. 

All of a sudden I'm starting to wonder what other types of systems we could travel too...

What do you guys think?

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4 minutes ago, PlutoISaPlanet said:

I hope we see young systems, dead systems, and anomalous systems.

I was thinking about dead systems too. Something like a neutron star would be cool. But then got to wondering if the red giant phase wouldn't just gobble up most of the planets in the system?

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20 hours ago, Iron Kerman said:

What About A Brown Dwarf Solar System Having No Sun Would Make Life Very Interesting.

Would give the devs new challenges for lighting, and us new challenges for seeing. Could perhaps be a reason to fly by instruments rather than by eye (for landing in particular), and would mean we would need more light sources for colonies. Oh and colonies (and ships) would have to use RTG's too.

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