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On 6/21/2021 at 11:11 PM, jimmymcgoochie said:

 I would have burnt off the remaining fuel in that upper stage before dumping it, which would probably have landed the pod near the Island Airfield.


I was tempted to burn it off, then saw the distance to home and thought.... lets shorten the walk ;-)

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You can change the deployment settings of (some?) RealChutes in flight by right-clicking them.

Last time I checked, Lua’s biomes were a bit wonky with no sign of any Polar Highlands or Oceanic Craters anywhere on the biome map.

And it’s always a good idea to check the full Kerbalism experiment descriptions before you launch (and whether or not a probe core has reaction wheels!), as well as checking the data production, capacity and transmission speeds so you don’t lose science by filling up the hard drive with low-value data.

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@seyMonsters I think you mean propulsive landing, not repulsive :/

The “time to burn” indicator is a main menu settings option, I think ‘advanced burn indicator’.

And never ever EVER walk into a deployed landing leg or the hapless Kerbal will either get yeeted off into the distance or just splatted on the spot while the craft goes flying in the other direction.

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On 8/24/2021 at 9:57 AM, jimmymcgoochie said:

Press F4 to toggle the craft markers.

Some of those Strategia strategies don’t work properly with Kerbalism, especially those that change science rewards.

And yes, the coasts on Ash are hot. Very hot…

Ahhhh F4…. Your a life saver!!

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I usually set all my craft to point directly towards or away from the sun whenever I leave them so they get full solar panel exposure; Kerbalism will remember the exposure level and use that during time warp.

Re. the solar panels being occluded, it might help to change the target body to track; when I played Beyond Home a while ago it seemed to work better if the solar panels were tracking the barycentre rather than either star. If that doesn’t work, maybe creating a fresh installation and copying the save over will fix it? That worked for me when one of my games broke a little while ago.

Oh, and I doubt you’ll manage a landing* with that probe- orbital velocity 700m/s at 100km altitude and you have just over 850m/s left. *at least not in one piece!

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13 hours ago, jimmymcgoochie said:

Bad news- internal probe antennae don’t count and can’t transmit science.

Good news- just bodge the save file to change the antenna to EXTENDED and you should be fine.

Or I can just send a mission to find out what happened to the missing probe…. As we never heard anything from it ;-)

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The reason you missed Ash on the way in is because you approached with a high inclination- the only time you looked in the right direction, it would have been above where you were looking, but by the time you looked again the craft was almost at Ash’s equator so it was right in the middle of the screen.

That shrapnel cloud of broken parts though…

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