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thinking about making a soviet-type pack, feedback please?


what ship should I concentrate work on most?  

  1. 1. what ship should I concentrate work on most?

    • Vostok spacecraft
    • Voskhod spacecraft
    • N-1 rocket
    • Energia launch system
    • Buran shuttle
    • R7 rocket
    • Proton rocket
    • Venera-11 style lander

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I am really bad at texturing, can someone help me texture the soyuz descent and orbital modules before I send them to Nutt007 to be exported, as they cannot be edited after export. so far its just solid green so I can see it during in-game testing:P

also help me texture the venera!

also help me make an N-1 !

*NOTE: this intro is old, read the other sections if you want up-to-date info

Hey there guys, I was thinking about making a more complete type pack with a soviet theme.

here is the soyuz spacecraft in blender so far, I will add more details if anyone wants me to work on it: (its a link cuz i still havent figured out the new forums)


I still need to finish figuring out how to animate parts so i can make the solar panels, and then I have to texture + do the config stuffs for the individual components.

PLEASE dont hate, im just posting this to get feedback on whether I should continue this project.


*1-m diameter Landing gear, rest is too varied in width :P

*based on Venera 11

*RCS for maneuveriing, but otherwise no engines

*spot for stock parachte

*only config and textures left to do! Aiming for mid- October release!


(help with name plz!)

*compatible with large stock parts

*animated solar panels (hopefully)

*3-person orbital and descent modules

*crew starts in orbital module, transfers to descent module for.. erm.. the descent..

*Only unity and textures left to do! :D. Aiming for late October release!(might take more time tho... :( )


(once again, plz help with name!]

*1-person pod

*1-m diameter

*I will start working on it once other ships can be released (K-1 takes priority here)

*google for pics, I don't yet have anything to show, but im working on it! :D

*will be compatible with large stock parts and Keryuz

*will have adapter stage to be compatible with Kostok and regular stock parts

*will later include a LK style lander and extra stages to land on mun

*will be worked on once I finish the Kenera and Keryuz

NOTE: this is also usually not being updated. go look at the ships tab for the newest info



threw up a simple lower stage for the venera. check it out at:



got the solar panels model done, gonna send em to nutt so he can animate them cuz i suck at unity XD



also made a little radar dish thing to stick on the modules to make them look smart and complicated. not sure about this one...


(sorry for recent lack of updates I've been sick :( )

Alrighty, i quickly finished the venera model:


NOTE: this also is rarely updated... go lookit the ships tab

projected releases:

(NOTE i cant guarantee anything, so its only tentative)

a noobish and badly textured version of the soyuz spacecraft:

around the end of October

an (also noobish) version of the 1-person vostok:

unknown, after i get the N-1 out

N-1 rocket:

Mid-december, unless I get help (I want to get the almost-finished soyuz released before I start on something new, help much appreciated! :D )

Venera-11 style lander:

around mid-october (this one is pretty easy to do, want to get it released soon)

in progress so far:

-soyuz spacecraft

-venera-11 style lander

-N-1 rocket


-vostok spacecraft

-8K71 style rocket (R7 and soyuz-FG are variants of this basic original design by sergei korolev)

-energia launch system

-buran shuttle

-n-1 rocket

-proton rocket

please note that as of now i am only actively working on the soyuz, and venera. the soyuz is near completion, I will try to get it released withing a month or so (sorry, but i need to finish re-sizing, texturing, and generally polishing it. Im also REALLY bad at texturing, so if anyone wants, i can send you the models w/ UV layouts. you will be credited in the pack creators and individually in the parts you help with)

also note that none of the ships will be 100% accurate, as i do have limited time, and im not all that skilled at modelling. i will try tho :P

(dont worry, most of the inaccuracies will be lack of antennas/other small stickupy thingies, which will be separate parts)


all unity stuffs (currently animating solar panels and making hatches for soyuz)


basic modelling, texturing, and config stuffs (currently working on finishing up soyuz spacecraft and will soon continue work on venera)


(on indefinete leave due to school work and family issues. Go give him moral support guys.)

N-1 rocket lower stage

Edited by mivanit
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Thanks for the tip... just tried an unfinished, untextured version in-game and it was HUGE. Fixing the problem now :P

Speaking of Unity... I have absolutely no clue how to animate the solar panels :(

I can handle all the other parts though.

I can send you the solar panel models, can you animate them?

I will list you as one of the creators of the pack

no need for anything fancy though, just hinging at the.. well... hinges.

Thanks! (please dont feel obliged to do anything)

Edited by mivanit
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  mivanit said:
Thanks for the tip... just tried an unfinished, untextured version in-game and it was HUGE. Fixing the problem now :P

Speaking of Unity... I have absolutely no clue hoe to animate the solar panels :(

I can handle all the other parts though.

I can send you the solar panel models, can you animate them?

I will list you as one of the creators of the pack

no need for anything fancy though, just hinging at the.. well... hinges.

Thanks! (please dont feel obliged to do anything)

Why not! Sure, PM me.

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Also, which of the venera probes do you want?

I will try to make a lander sort of like the 11, with RCS systems and a parachute. I will try to also make a payload fairing and cruising stage for it.

As for the Buran, I am not sure whether I will be able to manage but i will try :P

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I've always wanted a nice Soyuz-FG, I know there is already a mod for that out there but its creator decided to make it more "stable" by lowing all of the stats to the point where the fuel and engines in that pack are incompatible for use with any other parts

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Oh my god! Yes! YES! Please! I'd really really love to have the Soyuz, the Vostok and the Voskhod in Kerbal space program! I have gone nuts on Soviet space exploration in recent times and i never stop being fascinated or thrilled by their designs. I can't encourage you enough to continue this project since everything else in the ways of mods inspired by Soviet/Russian (Except Kosmos-pack) is dead and lost to the mists of old versions...

Why, you could even make a unmanned pod for the "Soyuz" in the style of "Progress"-craft, then we could have unmanned testing, exploration and whatnot... And as i said, a Vostok and Voskhod would be immensely cool to have too.

I love the idea of the Venera probes. Don P Mitchell has tons of images and data about them on his site Mentallandskape, Soviet exploration of Venus. There's also the Mars-probes, the Luna probes and Voskhod Lunar rovers... so many things! Heck, i think you should even make a Sputnik! Spherical ball with 4 antennas behind it. Too bad we can't make it transmit "beeps" though...

As far as rockets go, there was this older mod with the Soyuz-rocket, but i doubt it works with the current version. Otherwise you can make a new Soyuz-rocket too, as well as the Good old R-7 Semyorka, Proton, Energia, Molniya and last but certainly not least, the N1 just no name a few. If you are making the N1 i would suggest you to NOT use 30 engines in the first stage on it... :wink: Most people's computers won't be able to handle it to begin with, notwithstanding it's tendency to blow up! :sticktongue:

EDIT!: I must be senile or something, but i completely forgot their "LK" Lunar lander they experimented with, as we can't dock in KSP Vanilla it would be hard to implement, but it has some really cool design features and it's a 1-man lander too, so it can be made really small. I think they meant to dock it to a Soyuz command ship and do basically as the US did in '69, but have 1 man in the command ship, one man in the lander and do EVA to get between the two when they were docked together in orbit.

There's simply an entire OCEAN of Russian and Soviet space-stuff you could use and i promise you i will be you ever grateful for every single piece you make that i can strap onto a rocket, count down until "zapusk", blast off into space and yell "POYEKHALI!"* with!

I will be following this!

* = Let's go! Gagarins famous quote when his rocket launched from Baikonur.

Edited by Raticon
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erm... im actually just going to have the SRB stages of the n-1 as single long-lasting SRB (thats each stage=1 custom SRB)

i will eventually going to try making the proton, but you cant yet make unmanned craft w/o plugins, and i cant code at all...

The voskhod, vostok, and soyuz will all just be a single universal orbital module (the spherical-ish one) with their respective service modules, and in the case of the soyuz, a separate descent module that will have the capability to let the kerbals transfer to it from the orbital module, but will be empty upon launch.

Thanks for the moral support though!

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This is a neat project. I'm planning on taking a look at the old Soyuz rocket mod (that seems to have long since been abandoned), and tweaking the settings so it works again (as it is, it can't lift itself into orbit, and the masses and thrust differ so much from stock that you can't put a custom payload on it of any sort).

  KAO said:
Nutt007 knows how to do internal spaces?

how come nobody else is doing internal spaces??!

first mod I see where the devs are making their own internal spaces

Because there's no documentation for it, meaning some modders prefer to (quite reasonably) wait until there's documentation before they go about spending time trying to figure-out how they work.

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  mivanit said:
erm... im actually just going to have the SRB stages of the n-1 as single long-lasting SRB (thats each stage=1 custom SRB)

SRBs on a Russian rocket ??


i will eventually going to try making the proton, but you cant yet make unmanned craft w/o plugins, and i cant code at all...

No need for a plugin. To make an unmanned craft, just set CrewCapacity to 0.

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