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Many have made it to the planets, but...


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Both Duna and EVE can be land using parachute, that already saves you a lot of fuel, use of aerobreaking also saves lot of interplanetary stage fuel, put all those fuel on departure stage, with careful piloting, you might just be able to hit orbit.

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Use the nuclear engine. The best engine in the game, I kid you not. specific impulse in vacuum of 800!!! incredibly efficient!! I never run out of fuel.

I did, but, admittedly, I probably didn't do the greatest job getting TO the planet in the first place, lol. I don't really know how to effectively slingshot with purpose... I can slingshot myself, but to where?? Not sure! I probably could've beefed up my first and second stages a bit as well. I'll keep working on it. So far I've only done the two quick missions. ;)

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Yeah, I've been to Duna and back a bunch. I've made nonfatal crash landings on Duna as well. I've been to Jool's moons, though only once, because my current focus is on Duna and its moon, and the impossible quest of building something that can land on and take off from Eve. It doesn't require cheating, just good flying, good design, and patience in making the midcourse corrections needed to intercept planets.

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Like many people, I did a two-stage mission to Duna. A one man lander is sent to Duna, lands, then takes off and puts itself in orbit around the planet. Then another ship, equipped with the super efficient NERVA engines, is sent to Duna with an empty seat to rendezvous with the astronaut in orbit. The astronaut boards the rescue ship and returns home with his buddies, who at this point he hasn't seen for more than three years. Good thing Kerbal pods are equipped to receive TV signals. I could probably last three years in a spaceship if I had a computer, internet access and a TV signal. Also, I'm pretty sure Kerbals live off of TV. That explains why they don't need to eat.

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I made a craft that returned from eve. I used docking, and made a plane on top of my rocket. My interplanetary travel stage was just lots of fuel on top of a few nuclear engines. That stage, with the plane on top, would travel into lower orbit of planets. The plane undocks, travels to the planet, and allows me to explore it. The plane then travels back up, docks with the interplanetary stage, and can refuel. I landed on both the moon and duna in one flight with this setup, it works fantastically.

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Duna isn't too bad. I suggest that you pre-calculate the orbit you'll need - it saves a lot of fuel. Add a few struts and parachutes to your design and you can land using very little fuel, just a bit to set you down, and a shot or two to keep the chutes from ripping off when they open. Use NERVA.

Here's a shot of my lander, below. All stock parts, no tweaks. I have a 3-engine transfer stage that uses two of the large 3-meter tanks, a tri-coupler, and 3 NERVA engines. Getting it all into Kerbin orbit is the toughest part. I'm almost certain that, if I was careful, I could get the lot to Jool, though I wouldn't be coming back, for sure, and I don't know that I would be landing anywhere there.

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You can easily get to anywhere using the onion design (fuel feeding toward the center). That said, all you need in order to land and return is a BIG FREAKING LAUNCH VEHICLE. My Bloaghanoth III (yes i am using insane made up words now after that whole "Orca" thing) is basically 2 vehicles. A lander/inter-planetary stage that is strapped to a heavy lifter. It kind of looks like a deer strapped to the hood of a car. My point is, get a lander/travel system into orbit, then worry about landing.

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I went to Duna and came back, with my lander.

I believe Laythe might be possible to get back from with one of my designs, although fuel will be very close and it would depend on actually fining a decent piece of land to land on.

Edited by _Aramchek_
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With proper use of the nuclear engine, its possible. You have to have some power under you to lift from Eve, and will result in a huge multistage monstrosity... use the nuke engine for your transfer from kerbin to eve, jettison, standard engine for re-orbit around eve, jettison, nuke engine back to kerbin. No I haven't done it successfully yet, but I am very, *very* close. I bet if I were a better pilot and made proper use of chutes/aerobraking I can. Stay tuned :)

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